Some Enchanted Evening


Staff member
When they are in the Library through the window you see a telephone box and a nearby wall,when they switch to the exterior shots there is neither,I wonder if they used the same backdrops in the studio for the library and the cafe in the early series,as you could see the same when they filmed the cafe interior.
When they are in the Library through the window you see a telephone box and a nearby wall,when they switch to the exterior shots there is neither,I wonder if they used the same backdrops in the studio for the library and the cafe in the early series,as you could see the same when they filmed the cafe interior.

Cost cutting be the BBC no doubt.
When they are in the Library through the window you see a telephone box and a nearby wall,when they switch to the exterior shots there is neither,I wonder if they used the same backdrops in the studio for the library and the cafe in the early series,as you could see the same when they filmed the cafe interior.

The bit of exterior visible through the library windows and through the open door has always bothered me. In the exterior shots, especially in 'Short Back and Palais Glide', there's a large building in the right middle distance (one of the old mill buildings?) and what looks like a gas holder in the left background, both long gone, with an open car park between. Surely the scenery designers could have created a backdrop that at least gave an impression of distance.

The bit of exterior visible through the library windows and through the open door has always bothered me. In the exterior shots, especially in 'Short Back and Palais Glide', there's a large building in the right middle distance (one of the old mill buildings?) and what looks like a gas holder in the left background, both long gone, with an open car park between. Surely the scenery designers could have created a backdrop that at least gave an impression of distance.


Maybe they not expect these thing to be so analysed some 40 years later :)
Maybe they not expect these thing to be so analysed some 40 years later :)

Probably didn't expect the series to last so long nor for each episode to be remembered more than a few minutes after its first airing.

Concur much of what has been written. Wonder if there was an element of budget constraint - BBC high hiedyins did complain about costs in the early days. And I suppose James Gilbert was never as 'visual' a director as Alan JW Bell and as particular over detail.
Just another thought on that episode, why does Clegg have his fingers crossed when he returns a book at the desk?
`For a timid person the prospect of a fine is always there - never entirely sure you have got the date right and some librarians were so fearsome - or were when I was young.

Oh yes, too true. It was serious business then. No talking aloud, etc. I worked as a page in a local library when I was but 16. All day putting books back, lining them up neat. My then boyfriend, now husband got into a fight in that very library . . so embarrassing, I'm sure Mrs. Peterson my boss knew I knew him.
Speaking of libraries, does anyone know if that new addition in London is finished?