A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 3, 2019 #20,162 You got insulted. Normally, they JUST ignore you.
L Louise Lawrence Dedicated Member Mar 4, 2019 #20,164 You're LOOKING very thoughtful, Truly. You LOOK LIKE a man who's thinking about LIFE and death and what it's all about.
You're LOOKING very thoughtful, Truly. You LOOK LIKE a man who's thinking about LIFE and death and what it's all about.
A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 4, 2019 #20,170 RIGHT. Well, that's enough of being a doormat for the wife. It's time she was REMINDED who's boss.
A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 5, 2019 #20,171 All it needs is a SMALL SCREWDRIVER and half a brain.
L Louise Lawrence Dedicated Member Mar 5, 2019 #20,172 You can't win with TAXI drivers. If THEY miss you with a vehicle, THEY get out and TRAMPLE you TO death!
You can't win with TAXI drivers. If THEY miss you with a vehicle, THEY get out and TRAMPLE you TO death!
dick LOTSW Fanatic Mar 5, 2019 #20,173 If my UNDERWEAR starts smouldering ,you'll hear from Norah Batty !
A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 6, 2019 #20,179 It's just a gentle motion, designed to soothe and pick up ANY signs of intelligence. So, we could be here for a while.
It's just a gentle motion, designed to soothe and pick up ANY signs of intelligence. So, we could be here for a while.