L Louise Lawrence Dedicated Member Mar 11, 2019 #20,225 I got my back against these encyclopaedias Mr WAINRIGHT!
A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 11, 2019 #20,226 The last time I was attracted to a man it was VE night. And I put that down to a general air of eXcitement.
The last time I was attracted to a man it was VE night. And I put that down to a general air of eXcitement.
A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 11, 2019 #20,227 Barry gave us a jump start. Can we give YOU boys a lift?.
A Adrian Morris Dedicated Member Mar 11, 2019 #20,228 He leads an interesting life for a small doZy idiot.
happyjack Dedicated Member Mar 12, 2019 #20,231 CATCH you la!! CATCH you la!! CATCH you later (Glenda on the telephone)
L Louise Lawrence Dedicated Member Mar 12, 2019 #20,234 Huh. People used to laugh at me when I was a bobby, but I FOUND if you smiled and were FORGIVING you could usually get the beggars later.
Huh. People used to laugh at me when I was a bobby, but I FOUND if you smiled and were FORGIVING you could usually get the beggars later.