dick LOTSW Fanatic Jun 18, 2016 #12,246 Can you lend me a NEEDLE?............ Now have you got any thread??
dick LOTSW Fanatic Jun 18, 2016 #12,252 Its TOO TECHNICAL..................I'll never understand it!!
dick LOTSW Fanatic Jun 18, 2016 #12,253 YoU 've no cUltUral interests at all have yoU??............I've got me ferrets!!:sneaky:
dick LOTSW Fanatic Jun 18, 2016 #12,254 You just sit there , I sometimes wonder if you'd eVer miss me if I left!.............We could giVe it a try!! :cautious:
You just sit there , I sometimes wonder if you'd eVer miss me if I left!.............We could giVe it a try!! :cautious:
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Jun 18, 2016 #12,255 For Nora it was always Wally over Wellie in the "passion" stakes
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Jun 18, 2016 #12,259 Smiler is an Aspiring Dancer far better concentrating on Aspiring to match his nickname