Summer Wine in other countries?


Dedicated Member
This sight consists mostly of Brits and Yanks. Then there is **** (hope he reads this) and correct me if I am wrong Big Unc, but you are from Scotland, correct?

All this including a recent discussion I had with Compo about Canada led me to think about this topic. Afterall, Canada is sort of between England and the US, do they get Summer Wine? Speaking of between England and the US and Cananda, there is Ireland. Do they get Summer Wine?

****, how did you become a fan of Summer Wine? Is it shown in Germany or did you discover the show from another source? And then, between England and Germany, there is France. Do they get Summer Wine? I know, I know, Brits don't think highly of the French, Americans have that little rivalry as well. However, Summer wine can certainly be universal and bring people together.

So, what other countries show Summer Wine? Where specifically is it popular?
It is very popular in Australia where I think it's called Roy Clarke's Last of the Summer Wine
Then there is **** (hope he reads this)

LOL, I´m not a "he" ;D, but that aside, no, we don´t get it here in Germany. I don´t know why, but there is one obstacle which is that Germans tend to dub everything, we scarcely ever have subtitles. But you can´t translate many LOTSW jokes into German because they won´t make sense any more. But I can´t tell you the exact reason why we don´t have it. I discovered it on Youtube.
If you want to get it in Germany tune in your cable or satelite. I get mine on Cable. It is a channel called BBC Entertainment. They show British comedies, Dramas. Mysteries and all sorts., LOTSW is shown often on it..
Veering a little I was wondering how the "Yanks" and the "Japs" feel about the way their fellow countryman are portrayed in Summer Wine? It would be interresting to get their perspective!
All I want is to see LOTSW in Russian and Italian and Japanese etc. The dubbed versions are always funnier..
LOL, I´m not a "he"

So sorry ****, I guess none of the previous conversations ever revealed your gender!

Other than a couple of of one liners, usually made by the ladies about Yanks during wartime, I don't recall any specific portraying of Americans on Summer Wine.

"Japanese"....are you referring to Entwhistle? Some of that talk of ancient wisdom "I think" os more related to Chinese, but I guess the electrical aspect of him could be stereotypical Japanese.
I´m sorry, codfanglers, I know my first name is very foreign in English speaking countries ;), that´s alright.
LOL, I´m not a "he"

So sorry ****, I guess none of the previous conversations ever revealed your gender!

Other than a couple of of one liners, usually made by the ladies about Yanks during wartime, I don't recall any specific portraying of Americans on Summer Wine.

"Japanese"....are you referring to Entwhistle? Some of that talk of ancient wisdom "I think" os more related to Chinese, but I guess the electrical aspect of him could be stereotypical Japanese.

I was thinking more of the way Foggy spoke about the "Japs " In Burma, the way he portrayed them and what the Japanese people would think of that. I was also wondering what the America people thought of the way they were portrayed in episodes like When you take a big bite , Yorkshire tastes terrible.
We Germans are of course associated with Hitler most of the time, and I must admit, when I first saw them doing a Nazi salute it made me flinch. But that´s how it is, and Roy Clarke never actually wrote offensive, so I just lean back and don´t mind ;D.
We Germans are of course associated with Hitler most of the time, and I must admit, when I first saw them doing a Nazi salute it made me flinch. But that´s how it is, and Roy Clarke never actually wrote offensive, so I just lean back and don´t mind ;D.

I am glad you don't take offence, I often cringe when I see things like that I can't help wondering what other think of us when they see that. :)
As the inserting of quotes got a bit screwed up in this thread I will just respond to Susan's recent post to my own comment. There are some episodes I have seen a few times and some I accidentally keep missing when it goes on my station's rotation.When you take a big bite , Yorkshire tastes Terrible is one of those episodes and if I recall, it is an earlier one I just missed so it will be a while until I get a chance to see it again. However, I can look for it on this new station showing British shows, WETA-UK, that is the discussion of another thread.

The most "Americana" I have seen Summer Wine get is in a later episode (approx. 2006-07) where the ladies take up Line Dancing to the country song "Achey-Breacky Heart". As I said before, other than that it is just an occasional comment aobut "Yanks in Wartime" by yet again, the ladies.
I stand corrected, "Yorkshire Tastes Terrible" is a Seymour episode and he is about to make his introduction sometime next week. I will keep a look out for this episode.
LOTSW still maintains quite an audience here in the US, thank God for that! I see it through cable tv, although you don't need it, as it airs on public TV stations. On my public TV station, it airs 10 PM Saturday night and 1 AM Sunday morning, provided it's not interrupted by those God-forsaken pledge drives where Suze Orman or Dr. Wayne Dyer are hocking new books and DVD's!
I stand corrected, "Yorkshire Tastes Terrible" is a Seymour episode and he is about to make his introduction sometime next week. I will keep a look out for this episode.

Its a very funny episode, they talk alot about "Yanks". What I would like to know is how do you feel about being called a "Yank"? And do you still call us Brits "Limies"? Its just a friendly question, I find interresting how other countrys see us and how you feel about how we see you. :)
Its a very funny episode, they talk alot about "Yanks". What I would like to know is how do you feel about being called a "Yank"? And do you still call us Brits "Limies"? Its just a friendly question, I find interresting how other countrys see us and how you feel about how we see you. :)

Never heard of the term "Limies". And not to get too political but since Tony Blair was Prime Minister (I know he was ousted) Americans generally think very highly of Brits.

Now I never got to respond to ****'s previous comments. About the Nazi stuff, in the ealry years Compo ad Clegg were quite bold and brash in their fooling around. They also offended Foggy in their pro-Leningrad talk in "Jubilee". They were just politically incorrect and brash at the time.

****, in regards to me originally referring to you as a "he". True, your name is unfamiliar. Of course we German Americans kept the last names although with alterations (as we discussed before) but most German first names were abandoned.

Also ****, next to your name is a picture of Clegg. Clearly you are not Peter Sallis but their is an unconscious male reference to your name as it is always shown next to a man!
LOTSW still maintains quite an audience here in the US, thank God for that! I see it through cable tv, although you don't need it, as it airs on public TV stations. On my public TV station, it airs 10 PM Saturday night and 1 AM Sunday morning, provided it's not interrupted by those God-forsaken pledge drives where Suze Orman or Dr. Wayne Dyer are hocking new books and DVD's!

I don't know who this Dr. Wayne Dyer is but I just know on Saturdays when I check the television listings that his advertisements are always on instead of the programs I watch (not just British shows). I was about to make a joke about "taking him out" but I don't want to get in trouble!
Also ****, next to your name is a picture of Clegg. Clearly you are not Peter Sallis but their is an unconscious male reference to your name as it is always shown next to a man!

LOOOOL, that is true, sorry! But it gave me a good laugh and makes me feel better (I´ve still got a cold and a pink eye for the first time, I can hardly see and it drives me crazy), so thank you for that! Hm, okay, I should substitute my picture of Clegg with one of Peter AND me ;). No, I´ll leave it like that, it´s alright, you can all call me Petra then or so.
Just for an explanation, " ****" is a North German name and a belittlement of "Anne", basically a form of Johanna.
LOOOOL, that is true, sorry! But it gave me a good laugh and makes me feel better (I´ve still got a cold and a pink eye for the first time, I can hardly see and it drives me crazy), so thank you for that! Hm, okay, I should substitute my picture of Clegg with one of Peter AND me ;). No, I´ll leave it like that, it´s alright, you can all call me Petra then or so.
Just for an explanation, " ****" is a North German name and a belittlement of "Anne", basically a form of Johanna.

No need to apologize and definitely stick with the picture closest to your heart

This what **** actually looks like....
(in my mind!)

Chuffer, she is quite fluffy!