Dedicated Member
Do we have any limeriskists ....limerickers..... err, people who can write limericks among us? I think it would be fun to limerickize the stories of SW. in limericks. I thought about this idea in the middle of the night when I got up to take a 'comfort break'. I spent the rest of the night trying to think of an opening limerick. I finally managed to write one down on my belly with a ball point pen. This morning I hastily copied it to my keyboard with the use of a mirror. Unfortunately, it was the wrong way round and upside down. With the aid of my camera and Paint Shop Pro I have finally managed to get my feeble limerick to paper. The question now is, do we have anymore limerickers out there?
Going to catch up on some zzzzz's now. Here's my effort.............
Three old men did wonder
O'er hills to sit and ponder
There was Foggy and Clegg
And Compo's mucky leg
Whose love for Nora grew fonder
Going to catch up on some zzzzz's now. Here's my effort.............
Three old men did wonder
O'er hills to sit and ponder
There was Foggy and Clegg
And Compo's mucky leg
Whose love for Nora grew fonder