Summerwine shop up for lease

I wonder if it includes all the museum contents?
It has to include the contents if it's to continue as a museum, but it also depends how business savvy the sellers are. If it were my business, I'd offer free loan of all the exhibits to the new leaseholder for as long as it stayed open. That way I ensure someone won't come in sell off all the items and change the use of the shop into something else.

I reckon that big shop on the corner Fair Trader may be interested in using the unit to sell it's stock, it already goes all the way down into the underfloors right next to the Museum. I'm not really sure what else that could be, it's a little bit out of the way so limited passing trade.

It'll be a real pity if it doesn't continue as a museum/LOTSW gift shop, but I fear that's the way it's probably heading :(
I've contacted the agents. The lease runs until 2028 and rent is £650 per calendar month. Stock is valued at approximately £5,000 in addition to the asking price of £19,950 for the lease.
Did they give you any idea of what the turnover is, that's what determines whether it's a financially viable option for someone to take on?
If you work on the basis you'd need to employ one person on the minimum wage full time plus the actual cost of maintaining the building I reckon you'd need to turnover between £150 - £200 a day to make the most modest of livings.

I can't see that in it's current form with the £4 entrance fee and the very few Summer Wine gifts they sell. It really needs someone with a lot of vision who can somehow take it in a different direction. A visitors attraction and cafe would be the obvious idea but then that will tread on the toes of The Wrinkled Stocking directly above.
Plus business rates, energy cost, insurance, water rates, cost to run the website, internet/phone cost
That's true, it's going to have to broaden it's appeal to non fans alike if it's to survive I guess. That's the reason Sids & The WS have survived so long as many who use them don't know about their link to the series.

So sad to think the museum & The Tour Bus are unlikely to exist at least in their current form in a year or so :( Modern life is rubbish!!!!
It's a real shame but to be honest every time I've gone in its usually only me in there, I've often wondered how they make ends meet. I know they close if it's raining heavy and close of s couple of months a year so that can't help. It would need a real fan of the show and good cash flow to make it profitable. I really fear of the exhibits in there. It wouldn't take much of someone to come along and buy them up to sell on. I know the place gets busy with fans in the summer but is that enough to keep it going?
It's a real shame but to be honest every time I've gone in its usually only me in there, I've often wondered how they make ends meet. I know they close if it's raining heavy and close of s couple of months a year so that can't help. It would need a real fan of the show and good cash flow to make it profitable. I really fear of the exhibits in there. It wouldn't take much of someone to come along and buy them up to sell on. I know the place gets busy with fans in the summer but is that enough to keep it going?

Same here. I'm usually in there all by myself, except once when a couple of late friends from Wakefield visited and I took them there. It's usually lonely and sad.

How about move the museum into the shop and make Compo's like the on screen set, you could order drinks and cakes from the WS and enjoy them sat in Compo's disgusting front room

Not a bad idea! It ought to be possible to install a dumbwaiter between the Wrinkled Stocking and Compo's front room to reduce the dashing up and downstairs for food service. The "disgusting" front room would need to be cleaned and kept clean to food service standards, without losing the ambiance, but that isn't impossible. Jackie and Dennis would need to be on-board for the idea to work. The exhibits need some TLC, too, but that could be supplied by a rota of dedicated volunteers.
If it was to close are the artifacts up for sale too. A fourm member should decide a peace each they would like after all we keep the shows memory alive . Just a suggestion?
If it was to close are the artifacts up for sale too. A fourm member should decide a peace each they would like after all we keep the shows memory alive . Just a suggestion?
I think they're part of the business sale too according to @Roger post.

Some of the exhibits are quite bulky so the buyer would need large storage if they were sold. Also it saddens me to say that the appetite for SW memorabilia than is once was. For example Jean Fergussons scripts still sit unsold on eBay :(