Back in the '50s, any sundae was a DIY project, usually a simplified version of the soda fountain creation. My father made his with store brand vanilla ice cream, ditto chocolate sauce and salted redskin peanuts.The Tin Roof Sundae is a standard flavor in many of our "boxed" ice creams
we get from a "large" stores like Aldi or Food Lion, big stores that
carry pretty much everything..
Having a band in the show was done so that it could be produced as "light entertainment", not a "sitcom" because the BBC would not fund new sitcoms at the time it was made!Featuring a band in the middle of what is essentially an anarchic sitcom was perhaps the biggest change ...
I'm with you on that one too Peri.It's simple Rick. I'm working class, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper or, eat when you are hungry. What the upper class do I don't know.
And a good way of plugging a new song as well.Having a band in the show was done so that it could be produced as "light entertainment", not a "sitcom" because the BBC would not fund new sitcoms at the time it was made!