I have been with Mildred the mug for over twelve years, you know how it is, you get used to something, it becomes part of your every day life.
So I hear a commotion in the kitchen and it's Mildred the mug being beaten up by Pete the peppermill! It looks like Pete ambushed Mildred from above, you can guess who came off worse!

So, I can now announce the arrival of Mildred's replacement, Phillida the phine studio pottery mug:

She's a handsome beast, is she not
Peace reigns in the Gothic home, Pete the peppermill is in detention (well, at least until the steak tonight) and alls right with the World.
So I hear a commotion in the kitchen and it's Mildred the mug being beaten up by Pete the peppermill! It looks like Pete ambushed Mildred from above, you can guess who came off worse!

So, I can now announce the arrival of Mildred's replacement, Phillida the phine studio pottery mug:

She's a handsome beast, is she not

Peace reigns in the Gothic home, Pete the peppermill is in detention (well, at least until the steak tonight) and alls right with the World.