The Cafe Telephone


Staff member
How many episodes can we spot when Ivy or anyone else used the Cafe telephone,I know there has been several times when Ivy has had a call but have we ever seen her make a call, fingers on buzzers please ........

My contribution would start us off with Passing the Earring with Howard calling to speak to Cleggy
The Truly episode when she dries out his phone and rings it to see if it works :32: Yours Truly if You're Not Careful??
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In Who's That Bloke with Nora Batty Then?, we don't see Ivy on the phone, but she obviously calls Edie to start the gossip that Nora is all dressed up without a wrinkle in her stockings, on a Wednesday.
Just watched Jurassic - No Parking and Ivy was on the phone telling someone it was ok for Miss Davenport to come to coffee.