The Camera


Dedicated Member
Does anyone know who is responsible for the camera outside the CAFE? Some people were going to make a signal that they were members. It still does not update every ten seconds and with the easing off of lock-down restrictions we won't see any member visitors waving to us. Is it the council?:cry2:
Now the image update frequency is much worse. The same image has been displayed since mid-afternoon yesterday.
I do hope they get it put right Marianna. I like to watch that little square. It is one of the most famous squares in the world. They should have a streaming camera there.
Camera is so welcome, you not only get to see the wonderful view outside the Cafe to the road and beyond but also all of the many amateur magicians in Holmfirth who keep appearing and disappearing as you view the screen :08::fp:
Thank you so much for posting Graham very much appreciated . Just to be sure are we looking at what is now the main road through Holmfirth or is does this represent another perspective i.e the picture was taken by someone standing where the cafe is or opposite perhaps . I appreciate you may not know but thank you for sharing any information you have . If it is the same way as the current camera then those buildings opposite were clearly demolished to make way for the wider main road . :)
Yes Captain, it's the same perspective. Look at the gully in centre of paving slabs. Pillars gone but step down still there, which not has the new ramp.
Here's more proof. Looking down main road at what is now Kayes ironmongers. Check out the leaded windows on the far left door. Amazingly still there! The apex of the bank roof can also be seen. And finally, me pretending to hold the horse, a century later.


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It is. I hope some clown doesn't replace that door with a modern Upvc one! The old one has stood the test of time the same as the black & white one next to Sids. Must have be quality seasoned wood back then.