The lads home FC team?


Dedicated Member
A post I read recently brought up Compo saying 'except on a Sheffield Wednesday'. I remember him saying that in an episode and thought that was an expression similar to 'once in a blue moon'. Yet the poster also mentioned someone they know is an Owl supporter along with Sheffield Wednesday.

That got me thinking owls can be mascots, maybe I am wrong on what a Sheffield Wednesday is. After a quick search on Google I learned that they are talking about football. That Wednesday being the day of the week they used to practice on became part of the group's name. I learned something new, thanks.

The episode 'In Service of Humanity' Foggy tries to lend aid to someone carried out of a game on a stretcher. They look like they might have a Huddersfield colored hat and scarf on - just guessing. I'm wondering if these were home team colors or if the guys would try to aid a supporter of a bitter rival teams fan.

That had me wonder what team the trio would have supported. I figure it would be a home or somewhat local team as opposed to one in a distant, large city for example London. My questions is.. who do you think the guys would have supported? I did not find much on a Holmforth team - found a school team. Found a team in Huddersfield and York. Sheffield does not seem too far by map.

Not trying to stir up any passionate 'my team is best' kinda thing. Just wondering who the lads would have supported. Don't recall them talking much about any local teams.

Compo featured once in a Huddersfield Town supporters shirt and quite often in the team scarf.:wink:

In the episode " All of a Florrie!" Truly dresses in blue and white for "the match" but I don't think it had any significance!:16:
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Not sure how it works over there Rick but a lot of people don't support their home team here, you'll find people support teams miles away. I support a team 200 miles away, so Compo could well have supported Sheffield, West Ham or even Liverpool. ;D
Thank you for the help dick. Now that you mention it I do recall Compo in some kind of football shirt or scarf. I need to look for that when I watch again. I did go back and search All of a Florrie to see Truly in his football stuff. I just had no idea what team the colors were for that either one was wearing. I do remember Foggy talking about his scarf being regimental, so did not think it not football related.

Thank you as well Pearl. That is good to know. A bunch over here support distant teams as also. Could be that they were from that area and relocated. Or have never been there and just like them for whatever reason.

Maybe I was subconsciously pondering that if I ever get lucky enough to relocate to the Holmsfirth area I would know what home team to root for. :wink:

I think Alvin had a Huddersfield Town scarf when he first crash landed outside Cleggs house.(Up the Hammers)
I'm not sure they were much into being a sports fan. In Arts of Concealment Compo has that noisemaker and Foggy specifically notes that Compo is not a football supporter. There is another episode where Clegg makes a comment about Yorkshires rugby team being terrible. So I'd imagine it was casual interest at best for the trio.
I'm not sure they were much into being a sports fan. In Arts of Concealment Compo has that noisemaker and Foggy specifically notes that Compo is not a football supporter. There is another episode where Clegg makes a comment about Yorkshires rugby team being terrible. So I'd imagine it was casual interest at best for the trio.

Compo has the lingo to go with his rattle though!! (Up the Terriers!!):wink:;D
Thanks John. I did not make the make the connection at the time that it was a football scarf. Went back and re-looked at the part where he crash landed and can make out what it says now.

Alvin obviously did not get too far on his hang glider so he must have lived somewhat close by. But that is kinda over thinking the plot line too much. Alvin, Billy and Entwistle were characters I was unsure of at first but quickly grew to like. Would not have minded seeing them become the trio of focus to lighten the load on Clegg and Truly. Can't see Entwistle without fondly remembering him as Cato from the Pink Panther series with him and Peter Sellers battling it out. Laughed so hard watching those movies as a kid that my sides ached and had tears from my eyes. Good times.

Thanks as well Sarkus. Good points on the noise maker.

Good Call, dick. I wondered what Compo meant by Up the Terriers! This forum is great. So much information from such a nice and helpful bunch of people. So glad I joined.

Pearl, is the Hammers your team? I need to look them up.

Compo featured once in a Huddersfield Town supporters shirt and quite often in the team scarf.:wink:

In the episode " All of a Florrie!" Truly dresses in blue and white for "the match" but I don't think it had any significance!:16:

If the Blue and White strip was sold or leased by Auntie, it had significance for sure ! It would have been built up by Auntie as "Once worn by Huddersfield's very own Ray Wilson you know , he won the World Cup in 1966 , you can have it for my best price for something that's been worn by a legend ! " .
The lads home FC team

"Maybe I was subconsciously pondering that if I ever get lucky enough to relocate to the Holmfirth area I would know what home team to root for."

Hello Rick

I imagine Huddesfield Town are probably the closest team to Holmfirth itself , you could of course go with a countrywide trend and follow Manchester United who have fans all over. It apparently is quite a rare occurrence to find someone that supports them who actually lives in Manchester or so legend has it. You of course could never go out in Holmfirth wearing the strip and shorts in support of the team , well not with Marina around , you've seen the effect Howard has on her in his shorts.
I suppose someone has to support them ??????



Agree about people supporting teams not local to them a colleague supported Partic Thistle because he liked their colours ,me I am a lifelong Spurs fan having grown up in Nth London and having an uncle who was chairman of the supporters club I had no choice !
If any other extended families are like mine the spread of supporters is amazing .I grew up with two elder brothers who supported both Nottingham teams My mother and I were ardent cricket fans though! My younger brother would not give you tuppence for any sporting team. My liking in the Revie era was Leeds United, my father in law played for the local Town teams (Mansfield and/or Sutton)
My eldest daughter had friends in Sheffield and finished up supporting Wednesday. She went to see Mansfield Town a lot because her grandfather worked on the gate on match days. My son became a confirmed Spurs supporter and my brother in law supported Chelsea. My wife (wise lady )commiserated with who-evers team had lost!! ;D :28:
My Derbyshire relatives supported Derby County or Chesterfield. :wink:
Hi Rick,
The original comments were in an earlier post of mine when I mentioned I was going to see Sheffield United,dick mentioned he had a relative who was an Owl,there are two teams in Sheffield,bitter rivals,United who are called the Blades due to the City's steel heritage and Knives/swords/cutlery making,and Wednesday who are called the Owls because they were originally based in the Owlerton district of Sheffield,although each teams fans,rather childishly will only refer to the other as "The Pigs"
The choice of who you would support would be either geographic,your local team,or it would be a history of who your family have supported,or,more often in the case of younger fans,whoever was doing well and winning lots of trophies and being on tv a lot,growing up in the 70's all the younger fans supported Leeds United,in the 80's it was Liverpool and in the 90's Manchester United,
Btw my team,Sheffield United,play in the oldest professional football ground in the World,and were the original United,the first ever United,our ground was the first in the World to play under floodlights,and the first ever Premiership goal was scored by us at our ground,I could go on,
Like someone said,football was never really mentioned much but I did see Alvin on more than one occasion wear the Huddersfield scarf,I would guess anyone from there would support either Huddersfield or Barnsley,or one of the big clubs.
Great thread/post.
I'm sorry having re-read that post some of it sounds like "my team is better than your team" and that's not what I intended,we never have anything to brag about,but we do have a lot of history and a lot of firsts and that's all I was trying to say.