Dedicated Member
Yesterday a nurse called to see me for a sample, a blood pressure check and put a clamp on my finger to check my pulse. The conversation quite naturally turned to covid and she told that, due to all her family having been cursed with the disease, she had cancelled her holiday in Florida and they had stopped their runs into the Peak District. I asked her which places she visited to which she gave me a short list. Then she added that, being fans of Summer Wine, they also visit Holmfirth. She told me that they always watch it when it is being shown on TV. She then really surprised me by saying that she had seen me getting on a bus in one of the episodes. The words knocked, down and feather sprang to mind. I'm no Tom Cruise and was pleased to know that I had been recognized. Mmm, I wonder if they are ready for a new D.C.I. Barnaby yet in Midsomer Murders?