The Odd Neighbour


Staff member
I have noticed in a few episodes that some of the cast had the odd appearance of a neighbour,Nora had one in the early series, once she was cleaning hers steps and was talking as if a neighbour could hear,then there was the one with the music and a neighbour had complained about loud music, then Pearl seemed to have the odd neighbour
I thought you meant "Odd" nighboughers, I have an "Odd" neighbour!!

Pearls neighbour was in a couple of episodes and Nora's was in Of Funerals And Fish and she was talking to one in Errol Flynn Had A Pair Like That. Edies neighbour was out front in Welcome to earth. I could recall anymore but I'm sure someone will correct me ;D
I thought you meant "Odd" nighboughers, I have an "Odd" neighbour!!

Pearls neighbour was in a couple of episodes and Nora's was in Of Funerals And Fish and she was talking to one in Errol Flynn Had A Pair Like That. Edies neighbour was out front in Welcome to earth. I could recall anymore but I'm sure someone will correct me ;D

Why am I not surprised [MENTION=166]Pearl[/MENTION]
I didn't know they were weird when we moved in! It wasn't on the house description. :35: :P:P
Not one of the regulars, but Lilly Bless Her had a neighbor who needed an hinge on her neck. Now that's really odd!!;D
In the first or second episode, Nora is hanging up her wash along with her neighbor which was a common custom. Back then, I think it was a normal and expected thing to do laundry and hang it up on the same day.
It was a Tuesday. When the repo men come for Compo's telly, the neighbor comments, "God, is it Tuesday already?" That's always seemed odd to me because where I come from Monday was laundry day, Tuesday was for ironing. It was a farming community, so all the farmers knew better than to spread manure on the fields on Mondays to avoid transmitting the odor to the laundry while it was hanging on the clotheslines.

In the first or second episode, Nora is hanging up her wash along with her neighbor which was a common custom. Back then, I think it was a normal and expected thing to do laundry and hang it up on the same day.

We do it most days here if its not raining.
Ours are odd,they wait until it pours down with rain,then waters the garden while it is still raining

Ours waits until 9pm to mow is pocket sized front lawn, it takes about 3 hours because he only does it once a year. In 18 years I'v seen him do the back twice.
However not all of them had odd neighbours - Seymour did not have any neighbours; but Clegg did have Howard and Pearl of course but you never see any other neighbours - especially when there was another house between them when level with the church clock in central Holmfirth.
However not all of them had odd neighbours - Seymour did not have any neighbours; but Clegg did have Howard and Pearl of course but you never see any other neighbours - especially when there was another house between them when level with the church clock in central Holmfirth.

Well actually there was the odd neighbor in between Clegg and Howard. You never saw him but he objected to all of the lights, camera, action stuff and eventually they had to "move."
Well actually there was the odd neighbor in between Clegg and Howard. You never saw him but he objected to all of the lights, camera, action stuff and eventually they had to "move."


but I was thinking about scripted neighbours in the story line. That neighbour was somebody who wanted to gain financially from the programme, more than either house that was "home" to Clegg and Pearl/Howard who were either side.

Not sure we ever saw a scripted neighbour of Cleggs other than Howard/Pearl and later Hobbo. Could be wrong - if I am some one will tell me!
What was very oddball to me was the dwelling next to Nora and above and to the right of Compo though I am thinking specifically of the situation in Alvin's time when he would regularly bivouac with his al fresco breakfast table right outside the front door. And there was the time he lift his welding ornament creation slap bang on their step. Treated the place just like it was his own.
What was very oddball to me was the dwelling next to Nora and above and to the right of Compo though I am thinking specifically of the situation in Alvin's time when he would regularly bivouac with his al fresco breakfast table right outside the front door. And there was the time he lift his welding ornament creation slap bang on their step. Treated the place just like it was his own.

I agree that seemed odd to me too. However, I remember an episode when Nora and Compo were talking and I think it was Nora that said they were the only ones left in the building. So presumably, no one lived in that unit.

but I was thinking about scripted neighbours in the story line. That neighbour was somebody who wanted to gain financially from the programme, more than either house that was "home" to Clegg and Pearl/Howard who were either side.

Not sure we ever saw a scripted neighbour of Cleggs other than Howard/Pearl and later Hobbo. Could be wrong - if I am some one will tell me!
I can't recall any neighbors to Clegg and Pearl in the first location. But at least twice we saw neighbors to Pearl. Once, someone walking through the neighborhood knocked on the door of the person next to Pearl. A woman we'd never seen before answers the door. Another time, Pearl is seen standing outside her door talking to a neighbor. I can't recall the episodes right now. I'll have to try to find them.
I can't recall any neighbors to Clegg and Pearl in the first location. But at least twice we saw neighbors to Pearl. Once, someone walking through the neighborhood knocked on the door of the person next to Pearl. A woman we'd never seen before answers the door. Another time, Pearl is seen standing outside her door talking to a neighbor. I can't recall the episodes right now. I'll have to try to find them.

The second one sounds like the one with Wesleys leaf sucker blower thingy but the name escapes me for the moment.
I agree that seemed odd to me too. However, I remember an episode when Nora and Compo were talking and I think it was Nora that said they were the only ones left in the building. So presumably, no one lived in that unit.

Yes, but by the time Alvin moved in all the houses/apartments had been renovated so it would be unlikely for them to no longer be unoccupied.
What was very oddball to me was the dwelling next to Nora and above and to the right of Compo though I am thinking specifically of the situation in Alvin's time when he would regularly bivouac with his al fresco breakfast table right outside the front door. And there was the time he lift his welding ornament creation slap bang on their step. Treated the place just like it was his own.

You mean he wasn't supposed to do that? I thought that was his front porch! Now I'm a little confused about how the building is set up...:confused:
I agree that seemed odd to me too. However, I remember an episode when Nora and Compo were talking and I think it was Nora that said they were the only ones left in the building. So presumably, no one lived in that unit.

Yes, but by the time Alvin moved in all the houses/apartments had been renovated so it would be unlikely for them to no longer be unoccupied.