The policemen riding office chairs on the road


New Member
On another message board someone posted wondering which episode the policemen ended up riding office chairs on the road. I know series 28 ep 5 had Truly and Alvin on chairs, but it doesn't seem to have the policemen riding them. I'm in the same boat of thinking I've seen this, but I'm wondering if it really happened or if I'm just getting different things on the show mixed up in my head and the policemen actually didn't ride the chairs down the road.
I think that since a lot of us have spent lots of time sitting on office chairs; that actually riding them down a street would be quite interesting and it is very captivating to see some people actually doing it, especially police officers who would normally be stopping the activity and not participating in it!!
Office chair stunts

Try spinning around as fast as you can on your office chair for a minute........ It's the quickest way to make yourself feel extremely ill.