There has been a Discussion


Staff member
In the planning department to expand the forum to cover the additional works of Roy Clarke, FOSW, Open all Hours, Still Open all Hours, Keeping up Appearances and other smaller works.
We would obtain another domain name that would point to the forum, the forum would be expanded to list the shows into their own headers, we would like to hear from members their thoughts on this
Personally, I think the forum covers those shows quite well at the moment - and since those other shows consist of fewer episodes, and in some cases, never get shown on TV anymore, and some aren't even appreciated by all (such as SOAH) - it would need careful consideration.

At the moment we have new topics created on some of these shows now and again, when we feel the urge to talk about them. Which is often.

I would be quite happy just to have separate titled threads on this forum to cater for each Roy Clarke series that we can add to, like the 'Gone But Not Forgotten' thread.

But I'm thinking small of course.

If the forum was expanded to cover all or some of the other Roy Clarke's shows, it would certainly be magnificent.

I wouldn't want the technical guys to go to a lot of effort if people didn't use it very much.
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Wstol does make a valid and really helpful point, if the links broaden the appeal of this site or link to it then it may be win/win. This is where my IT knowledge is very limited so I'm don't know whether an external site is best or as wstol says just dedicated sub-headings on this site which would be a lot less work. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm surmising that if we simply had sub-headings on this site, then fans of the other series, ie KUA might not find it on Google or wouldn't think of going via a site dedicated to LOTSW?

I'm a member of a VW California forum which is dedicated to that, but it does have sub discussions (within the main site) for other vehicles such as VW ID Buzz, T2, T3 etc and they certainly get plenty of traffic to each although they have many more active members than our site.

I'm sure there are Facebook groups dedicated to Roys other works, perhaps if we do have sub-sections within this site then it maybe a good idea to signpost from the FB groups?
I'm surmising that if we simply had sub-headings on this site, then fans of the other series, ie KUA might not find it on Google
Have no fear, the gothic is here! Not a problem, manipulating the search criteria is fairly simple these days, and as Google already recognise us as a user friendly site I don't see a problem updating our search words to incorporate other topics/headings/etc.
Have no fear, the gothic is here! Not a problem, manipulating the search criteria is fairly simple these days, and as Google already recognise us as a user friendly site I don't see a problem updating our search words to incorporate other topics/headings/etc.
Is there a way of creating a different pull down menu, etc so when you click on it the look of this discussion board changes, ie with Arkwrights Shop or Mrs Bucket (pronounced bouquet) for the respective discussion boards.

I appreciate some may see this as watering down this site, but it could bring in new members who would then help sustain the longevity of this site. I know most posters on this site are just as fanatical about KUA or OAH to contribute to the discussions
Is there a way of creating a different pull down menu, etc so when you click on it the look of this discussion board changes, ie with Arkwrights Shop or Mrs Bucket (pronounced bouquet) for the respective discussion boards
I like the idea, I think that would be more slightly longer term, Terry and I would need to build the foundation first, but it's certainly one of the ideas I had been mentally playing with.
I appreciate some may see this as watering down this site, but it could bring in new members who would then help sustain the longevity of this site. I know most posters on this site are just as fanatical about KUA or OAH to contribute to the discussions
I'm with you 100% there, the longevity of our site definitely need more "bums on seats" so to speak.
I'm sure whatever decision is made will be the right one, and either way, our opinions and ideas and thoughts on the other shows will be displayed whatever happens.

Would certainly like to hear the thoughts of other members very soon.

This highly valued forum is, for me, absolutely spot on at the moment. Would the forum loose it's 'individuality' if such a plan took place?
After drifting off and having an odd dream... Compo doesn't like the idea as he wants the board focused on the most important member of Last of the Summer Wine, Clegg thinks it is a great idea as he likes everything Roy Clarke ever wrote. Foggy wants the board to emphasize military disciple and signwriting feeling that this is a major failing of the current board. I asked Nora but she hit me with a brush and I woke up.

PS. Sorry that was so silly. My brain goes funny sometimes.
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I agree with the idea in principle. Barrychuckle's idea of a couple of extra pull down menus seems a sensible solution to me on the face of it.
Don't have enough tech knowledge to know whether a separate domain name is required or warranted however.

Wstol I think put it better than I could! ^^>:
Would we have to make up a new account with new passwords or will it work with current ones. Its a good idea as long as its easy to use
The existing board will continue as it is without any changes to how you log in and other profile and user functions.
I think this challenge is one that many institutions face, how to attract new blood to ensure long term survival whilst being faithful to it's cause and existing members. I think the key is compromise and I'm genuinely touched just how positive all the comments on this subject have been on the future direction of the site. A quick question for Tony if we have subsections on the main site would new members who are say just interested in KUA and not LOTSW be able to go directly to them or would they still have to go via the summerwine screens?

To me the real attraction of the site is that the respect and sense of community we have for one another and that is the key ingredient that cannot change. I think it's worth remembering there were 3 or 4 dedicated sites to LOTSW 15 years ago and now only this one remains, this is testament to the brilliant work of Terry and his team but also a reminder that sites like this cannot be taken for granted.

I've no doubt we'll make the right decision and for my part I'll support it in what limited ways I can.
Tony is going to start a test page on a spare part of the server to see what options would work best, just remember what ever changes we make will have to work seamlessly, and if you did not want to see the other boards you just bookmark the current forum so you hit the same main page each time, I imagine you do this already and not get to the forum via the main website
In the planning department to expand the forum to cover the additional works of Roy Clarke, FOSW, Open all Hours, Still Open all Hours, Keeping up Appearances and other smaller works.
We would obtain another domain name that would point to the forum, the forum would be expanded to list the shows into their own headers, we would like to hear from members their thoughts on this
Awesome Awesome Awesome x
I don't think I have anything new to add to this discussion, but I would love to have a chat about KUA and Still Open All Hours (blasphemy to some, but I like Still Open All Hours more than the original- well the first few seasons anyway). However, I don't know if there would be enough material for extensive topics and discussions.

Adding "Clarke's Other Programs" as another category here would be great, but I guess that wouldn't attract new people.
(blasphemy to some, but I like Still Open All Hours more than the original- well the first few seasons anyway).
I enjoy it tremendously. Leroy is hilarious and I adore Mrs. Featherstone. I have a stream for Gold that is my morning background and am just now getting to see the original shows. It tickles me seeing Kathy Staff looking like she just walked over from the set of LotSW to film these. Was surreal at first not hearing her called Nora.