This Horse meat Saga

Maybe I've got the spelling wrong. To paunch a rabbit is to skin, gut and clean it out, ready to cook.

No, you are quite right. We live and learn. I had never heard that use of the word "paunch" before, particularly as a verb.
Traces of zebra have been found in Tesco bar codes.

Linda McCartney Sausages are now caught up in the scandal. Some have been found to contain traces of uniquorn.
Can you show us all the article where you read this from? There is a big concern over here over horsemeat. But and I say but it is eaten here in Malta a lot like it is eaten in France and Spain. The problem is that we can't control all the frozen products coming from Britain that have horsemeat in them. Britain should be more carefull before having foods exported.. Thankyou.
Can you show us all the article where you read this from? There is a big concern over here over horsemeat. But and I say but it is eaten here in Malta a lot like it is eaten in France and Spain. The problem is that we can't control all the frozen products coming from Britain that have horsemeat in them. Britain should be more carefull before having foods exported.. Thankyou.

Apologies, I meant to put the link to the artcle in Here it is:

And please note this is far from being a Britain problem. It is the whole of Europe and Britain is as much a victim as any other country.
The man said that if he had anemic patients he would recommned they eat meat but not horsemeat.

I didn't mean that it is only a BRITAIN PROBLEM... But a lot of our foods come from Britain. Of course I heard that Britain gets their horse meat from Romania
The man said that if he had anemic patients he would recommned they eat meat but not horsemeat.

I didn't mean that it is only a BRITAIN PROBLEM... But a lot of our foods come from Britain. Of course I heard that Britain gets their horse meat from Romania

What he actually said was:
"Jurgen Abela, a general practitioner, said this was a myth because horsemeat did not have any particular benefits over other red meats, such as beef, when it came to blood pressure. If one had low blood pressure one would be better off ordering something saltier, like bacon. While horsemeat had a relatively high iron content, Dr Abela added, it was not extraordinarily rich in iron.

“If I have anaemic patients I’d recommend they eat meat and other things but not specifically horsemeat,” he said.

So, no problem for those with blood pressure and "not specifically horsemeat" is very different from "not horsemeat".

Today's news that a Swiss company, Nestlé, the world's biggest food company, has removed beef pasta products from sale in Italy, Spain and France after finding traces of horse DNA and has suspended deliveries of all products made using beef from a German subcontractor sums it up as a pan-Europe problem and by no means confined to Britain. One point, hardly, if any, horsemeat for human consumption originates in the UK.
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