Too Much Of A Good Thing?


Staff member
Him in doors was having 40 winks on the sofa so I put a Summer Wine and turned to sound off, I knew every word even when i couldn't see the lips.

And I still laughed at the funny parts even though I could only hear it in my head!! :25:

So do you think when we can do that we're watch too much of it?

Reminds me of something my granddaughter did once, she was doing impressions of everyone and when she got to me she put hands on her hips tutted at bit then said " I love Last Of The Summer Wine" ! ::)
I don`t know what it is Pearl but I, like you watch it all the time and know them word for word. But I still laugh or smile even though I know what`s going to happen next. Are we just a sad group of people or do we just enjoy the simple pleasures in life in an otherwise hostile world. I would like to think it is the latter. But I could be lying.:42:
I know what you mean Pearl. I hear my husband in conversation with the guys and he will quote Sid or Compo about someone talking some twollop. Instead of saying , he's full of horse dung. You get the idea. My daughter calls them mom's shows.At times my husband calls me Nora!,I need to get the brush out on him next time.
I don`t know what it is Pearl but I, like you watch it all the time and know them word for word. But I still laugh or smile even though I know what`s going to happen next. Are we just a sad group of people or do we just enjoy the simple pleasures in life in an otherwise hostile world. I would like to think it is the latter. But I could be lying.:42:

IMHO, we're a wise group of people who are aware that it's necessary to regularly give ourselves a respite from the pervading atmosphere of 'wars and rumors of wars'. The familiar, if it's benign and even better if it's amusing, can be a wonderfully effective respite.

That's my excuse, anyway!

I grew up on Fawlty Towers but only discovered Summer Wine when I was 30.

I know Fawlty Towers word for word and never get tired of it. I am no where close to that level of familiarity with Summer Wine. I also think that while one show only made 12 episodes and the other having hundreds has a lot to do with it as well.
I can recall some of the scripts without even a DVD on! There is a comfort in something known and a peacefulness that allows us to escape the concerns of this present age .....
I agree. I can watch with the sound off and know just what is being said.
I also find I can listen to an episode and picture the scenes that are on the screen. I frequently have the program on while I'm doing other things (paying bills, doing dishes, etc.). Even though I can't see the screen, I can picture the whole thing in my mind by listening to the dialogue or even the music.

In "Leg Up For Christmas," I can see the trio trying to get Howard to come out even though all you hear are the instruments imitating the trio's actions in motioning to Howard.
And in "Walking Stiff Can Make You Famous," I just have to hear the music to picture Compo and Clegg clomping along with their polo mallets down their trousers, or later Compo leaning on the polo mallets like an injured sailor on crutches and Clegg holding out his hat to receive the offered coin.

I think it's safe to say, I enjoy Last of the Summer Wine.