Traumatic night


Staff member
We have just come through a very traumatic night with my nineteen year old nephew coming so close to losing his life. A combination of anaphylactic shock from a nut allergy and a very serious asthmatic attack left unable to breathe and losing consciousness before the ambulance arrived. The paramedics lay him on the kitchen floor of my brother`s house and fought to save his life for more than an hour. Before he had lost consciousness he had looked at his Mum and said " I know I`m dying Mum, I love you" .I don't know where she got strength to remain calm but she promptly told him to stop talking nonsense and that she wasn't going to let him die. Anyway the good news is he is on the mend thanks to the Trojan work carried out by the para`s and Doctors and nurses at the hospital.I think maybe we all tend to be a bit critical of our health services at times but if not for their hard work last night my nephew would not alive this morning.
So glad to hear he's on the mend and well done to his mother for staying calm I honestly think I would have lost the plot. Please keep us updated on his progress and you should all now get some sleep :)
I'm so pleased to hear that John and he is on the mend, best wishes to your family cause I can imagine it must have been hard for you all
What an awful shocking thing to happen, your poor nephew and family! I´m so glad to hear he is getting better now!
It must of been a terrible few hours for you all and a shock to the system,what a brave lad and so pleased to hear he is on the mend,do keep us updated,Terry
Ye Gods John , how awful it must have been for you all. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time. :o
Many thanks for all your kind comments. He`s being kept in hospital for another night at least. My sister in law Marese has been with him and he is feeling and looking so much better now. Here is a pic of one very lucky young man ! He`s studying art in college at the moment and as you can see he is a very talented student. One of these drawings hangs proudly in my sitting room :D
Wow, that bought tears to my eyes, how wonderful that he is on the mend, and bless those medics. Best wishes to your family
Wonderful pictures, am so happy for you all that your lovely talented Nephew is on the mend.
Wow, what talent!!! Great art work. Thank God he is on the mend. We will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers!!
Get him to do some drawings of LOSW Characters and we would all be keen to buy them as I am sure they would be very good
How are things going with the lad this morning?
Very good, the only small concern now is that his tonsils remain swollen but the Doctor seems to think that this will rectify itself in a few days. So all in all he`s doing very well and should be home soon. Everyone is so relieved ,the outcome could have been so different. The ambulance paramedic really knew his stuff and worked so hard to save him, he was covered with sweat from his efforts. The lad knew he had a nut allergy but he had eaten a home made biscuit at a friends house which he didn't realize had a peanut butter filling.
Get him to do some drawings of LOSW Characters and we would all be keen to buy them as I am sure they would be very good
I have tried that Terry ! No success yet, I would love him to do a drawing of Peter Sallis, I will persevere though :D
So glad to hear he is doing so well,you must all be so relieved.
Keep us all posted and big hugs to you all
Nephew Niall came home from hospital this afternoon and he seems to be right as rain again, if a little rattled by his near death experience. He has been warned to be extra careful with his allergies. Sister in law Marese told me about all the things he is allergic to, the list is a long one. He is actually allergic to trees believe it or not, conifers especially! So again many thanks for your concern and kind words, its so nice to have such a great bunch of people to speak about such things with. ;)