

Staff member

Tripadvisor's reviews of Sid's Cafe:hungry:. Not bad apart from one grumpy sod who went on a bit of a rant. There's always one :20:

"Oh dear what a big let down this dump is..even the staff seem very uninterested and very miserable
Had drinks and cakes, coffee cake was vile no taste and very small piece, flapjack was just shop bought.Tea cold had to take it back and ask for a hot one....just how can a tea room not make tea correctly ??? Noted others have mentioned the cold tea.Coffee was very bitter probably cheapest they could get
Think this place just gets by due to the name.
I don't think anyone with any sense would really bother with this place if it wasn't for what it stands for. If it had to rely on welcome , service,quality and value it wouldnt last long !!
Note to member of staff sat there on her laptop least bother to acknowledge customers when they walk in..don't just glance up and then get back to your laptop , this was very ignorant !"

Tripadvisor's reviews of Sid's Cafe:hungry:. Not bad apart from one grumpy sod who went on a bit of a rant. There's always one :20:

"Oh dear what a big let down this dump is..even the staff seem very uninterested and very miserable
Had drinks and cakes, coffee cake was vile no taste and very small piece, flapjack was just shop bought.Tea cold had to take it back and ask for a hot one....just how can a tea room not make tea correctly ??? Noted others have mentioned the cold tea.Coffee was very bitter probably cheapest they could get
Think this place just gets by due to the name.
I don't think anyone with any sense would really bother with this place if it wasn't for what it stands for. If it had to rely on welcome , service,quality and value it wouldnt last long !!
Note to member of staff sat there on her laptop least bother to acknowledge customers when they walk in..don't just glance up and then get back to your laptop , this was very ignorant !"

Wow miserable whatsit!! I love it there, the staff are friendly and chatty the tea and scones are delicious and as for the member of staff on her laptop maybe she was having a break, even the law allows for a break. :20:
Just checked out these reviews.

Three negatives out of 35 so under 10%. The once quoted by John above has made 98 reviews and the only one he raved about in Holmfirth was a curry restaurant; this makes me wonder whether the reviewer as certain expectations which will not be met in a smaller establishment.

Tripadvisor's reviews of Sid's Cafe:hungry:. Not bad apart from one grumpy sod who went on a bit of a rant. There's always one :20:

"Oh dear what a big let down this dump is..even the staff seem very uninterested and very miserable
Had drinks and cakes, coffee cake was vile no taste and very small piece, flapjack was just shop bought.Tea cold had to take it back and ask for a hot one....just how can a tea room not make tea correctly ??? Noted others have mentioned the cold tea.Coffee was very bitter probably cheapest they could get
Think this place just gets by due to the name.
I don't think anyone with any sense would really bother with this place if it wasn't for what it stands for. If it had to rely on welcome , service,quality and value it wouldnt last long !!
Note to member of staff sat there on her laptop least bother to acknowledge customers when they walk in..don't just glance up and then get back to your laptop , this was very ignorant !"

That reviewer is a 50- 64 year old female who regularly gives 1 star reviews, just been checking.

Note she gave three 5 star ones in Bradford but a 1 star to the Kashmir - the Kashmir even has had a vote of confidence from the Bishop! (he was a student in Bradford Uni and everyone who was a student went to the Kash - I went in the 1980s even though I was not a student!)

Individual taste I presume ...
Noticed that reviews vary widely so that is why I checked out the other reviews of the bad one - often the review reflects the reviewer rather than what they are reviewing ...

Yes, that is true. That is what I call someone who is a stick in the mud, if it was 75F , sunny, and never had a care in the world they would still find something to complain about!!!! People need to lighten up a bit. Enjoy life!!!:37:
Ate there a couple of weeks back John and the food was very good and very reasonable,not like the Butchers arms who wanted £25 for a Tai Curry

Tai Curry, a fusion of Thai and Indian?

On another note, studies have been done on people who are negative and down in the mouth; and they have found that negativity leads to physical ill health. So go ahead and find that silver lining in the thunder cloud. It is a good thing!!