Under the Rug

I remember the documentary about Frankie Howerd , his partner Dennis Heymer saying in it that after he died some of his retained effects were kept at the house ,Wavering House, including one of his toupees which he had in a box buried in the garden . He said " Sometimes I dig it up and when you open the box you can still smell the cigar smoke from Frankie who was a keen smoker of Cigars.
I remember the documentary about Frankie Howerd , his partner Dennis Heymer saying in it that after he died some of his retained effects were kept at the house ,Wavering House, including one of his toupees which he had in a box buried in the garden . He said " Sometimes I dig it up and when you open the box you can still smell the cigar smoke from Frankie who was a keen smoker of Cigars.
Now how does that song go again..."smoke gets in your hair-lines..." ;)