usa pennsylvania fan

Wonderful to have you onboard Terry! do make sure you post and comment regularly everyone on here is a really friendly bunch!
Hi and welcome welcome to another Pennsylvania fan of LOTSW
I’m in Philly but I’m still a pretty nice guy
Welcome aboard,glad you enjoy the show and keep popping back here and tell us stories from your side of the pond
Saw your post in the Shoutbox just to reiterate hope your health issues dissipate expediently and a very very warm welcome, glad to have you on board look forward to your posts . :)
i find it funny that foggy likes to do stuff for the vicarage and compo hates going to church truly classic
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Glad to hear that codfangler
Do you know what a codfangler is?
I’ve tried a google search and found nothing besides a reference to Seymour’s bizarre locking door mechanism

Ah, State College, Pennsylvania!
Now that’s what I’m talkin bout!
I can’t wait to get my car fixed up so I can go out near state college and show my puppy how to camp!