Was it a slip??


LOTSW Fanatic
I've just watched POLE STAR and spotted something for the first? time. Its at the coffee morning where they are discussing Foggy taking the pole into the café. The conversation gets round to what husbands carried in their pockets and a classic "Glenda" line comes out . "My Barry is very orderly about the pockets, he doesn't like unsightly bulges!" This receives an " Edie " riposte "You weren't brought up to discuss unsightly bulges !" At this, Glenda gives her mother an "Oh mother!" look and starts to raise her cup. She then looks at the others , grins and they all raise their cups.

My question is, ...Was this a slip on "Glenda's" part or was it a "that was a cheeky remark " everyone laughs, part of the script?? :14:
I am not sure about Glenda but I was watching one of the early Blamire episodes this evening :- "Ballad for wind instruments and canoe" and in one scene the three are struggling to get themselves and the canoe through a small gate from a field into a lane and at one point Compo briefly ducks from under the canoe and although its not very clear I am sure Bill Owen is wearing glasses which makes me wonder: if I am correct, are there other episodes where the odd mistake was made either clothes or props or even when doubles were used later on. It must have been quite difficult to retain the continuity of the take and make sure the switch between doubles and actors isn't noticed.
Good eye Norm, probably his double thinking he will be under canoe and not seen, just decided to keep his glasses on!

As far as Glenda's line, could have been they had 6 takes of the line to where this was the best they could keep their composure???? To be on the set to see bloopers. Would love to see a DVD of those.
Am not sure about this but I don't think doubles were used in the very early series as I have read somewhere that the canoe capsized and chucked the three actors in the water.
Am not sure about this but I don't think doubles were used in the very early series as I have read somewhere that the canoe capsized and chucked the three actors in the water.

Yes, the canoe did capsize in 'Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe', just after the bridge and the jeering fishermen on the bank. The water was much too swift for inexperienced people to control a canoe and you can see it begin to wobble while it's still in the frame. It capsized just after passing out of the frame. To make the dunking worse, Peter Sallis can't swim.

I just took another look at the scene where they're maneuvering the canoe through the gate and, sure enough, Bill Owen is wearing what appear to be the glasses he had on for This Is Your Life.

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