... bought the full DVD set and wanted to watch every episode in order from start to finish.
Sounds like a great plan, Barrychuckle. Something I am in the process of doing too since buying the DVD collection. It is nice to see the characters progress throughout the story telling of the show.
That has me thinking. I do wish that when loved characters left the show there was some kind of mention to their absence. I'm not asking for anything on the scale of when Compo passed. Just a mention of some sort.
Seems that Nora was the only one who was mentioned about her absence in saying that she went to Australia. Sid, Wally, Crusher, Wesley, Edie, Billy, etc nothing was said as to them no longer being around. Blamire, Foggy and Seymour all had an explanation - went to Wales, egg painting, teaching.
I reckon that while the show was originally aired that the passing or sickness of Sid, Wally, Edie may have been in the news or common knowledge among viewers. Watching the show many years after it ended and from another continent without news of when these actors left the show. It just seems strange to me to be watching them in order and thinking "I have not seen Wally (or Wesley, or whoever) for quite a few episodes..." and then you wonder if this is about when they passed.
Seriously, Nora, Ivy, Edie all should have mentioned something about their husbands passing. Admittedly Nora and Ivy do eventually say something in remembrance of Wally and Sid during a Christmas episode. I thought that was very heartfelt and touching.
Sid's passing was marked by Crusher coming in to help Ivy so we knew something had happened. Ya think Glenda would have said something about either of her parents passing. She was very much a family oriented person and saw her parents often during the show. The ladies tea gatherings were a big part of them getting together and none mentioned Edie or Roz being gone.
I just think it would have been nice for the odd reflection maybe once or twice to a passed character. Something like "I wish Wesley was around to mend this gadget, or I miss Wally sneaking out and having a pint with us, or I miss Sid and his terrible tea." Some little thing to say that the characters remembered the other characters.
Sorry to have taken this off on a tangent. It is something I had been thinking about recently while watching an episode.
Thanks for the audio books link. Going to give them a listen.

These are great. Really like Clegg narrating. Not heard of these before.