Weekly Collection Magazines


LOTSW Fanatic
This may have come up before but has anyone took notice of the Weekly Parts mags that are currently being advertised?? We looked at one the other night Build a Ship in weekly parts . We did some quick calculations , If you buy the thing for the full term it will cost you over £700-00 if my maths is correct. Another one tonight is Crochet in weekly parts (over £300) These are not the only ones :o Who decides what to put out in magazine form and who are the gullible ones?? ??? The ship can probably be bought in kit form for £20-00/£30-00 The crochet course in book form for similar. >:(
I have seen them. What is this 'famous' ship anyway. We never heard of it.

Let us in on the secret then, which ship? I Googled "Build A Ship magazine" and all I have come up with so far is HMS Victory and Endeavour and I would be surprised that they are unknown.
I often wondered what happens if for some reason you miss one or two of these mags,do you end up with missing parts,maybe once folk do start buying them via subscription then they constantly keep trying to sell them even more,maybe with so called special offers,or like the book clubs of the past,they send you stuff you have not ordered and it is hard to send stuff back,but it does seem a lot of ££££'s for something you could build/make a lot cheaper
I have seen them. What is this 'famous' ship anyway. We never heard of it.

Let us in on the secret then, which ship? I Googled "Build A Ship magazine" and all I have come up with so far is HMS Victory and Endeavour and I would be surprised that they are unknown.
I never said anything about "famous" ,the adverts I have seen are for the Endeavour ! I was just generalising about the cost. of the whole package. Until you look at the possible total it all looks so reasonable!! >:(
I have seen them. What is this 'famous' ship anyway. We never heard of it.
The ship Ess , is famous by virtue of being the " Endeavour " .The one sailed by Captain James Cook when he discovered Australia. :)
We buy the grandkids the childrens versions of these, most are good, but boy! Expensive!
The models can be very good quality but expensive. I reckon some of the kits probably cost over £100 bought as a stand alone kit, but that is still a hefty mark up for the publisher.

Some years ago there was a series on tractors and the first issue was 50p - it included a model. This happened to be a scale I could use in dioramas and so on (1:43 to be precise or 7mm:foot) thus I ended up buying six of the first issue, the second issue had another tractor at the same scale and I bought four at 50p. Issues 3 and 4 came together at normal price so still value for money for the models - after that it was subscription only so disappeared from newsagents shelves. I had a dozen scale models at under £10, which would normally retail at £3 - £5 each so I was well satisfied. A number of other model makers I know bought similar numbers.

it seems they rapidly go to subscription only but a very expensive way of getting information and a model.
I have seen these too. Although I must say I quite like the look of the clock collection magazines. I had some in Dr Who Form, trading cards and were quite good, a;though I had to trade the cards I had two of to get a card with The Doctor on, very hard to get in those days. Collected Monster Invasion until Issue 16 when the thought of buying one just slipped from my mind.
I have seen them. What is this 'famous' ship anyway. We never heard of it.
The ship Ess , is famous by virtue of being the " Endeavour " .The one sailed by Captain James Cook when he discovered Australia. :)

Sorry, I am deaf and can't hear all of the advert. I saw 'Sovereign of the Seas', which is also a famous ship it seems, but not one I had heard of before I looked it up. Isn't the internet wonderful.