Wesley’s Garage

Terry's wonderful Map shows the locations Edie and Wesley's house straddles Spring Lane and Dam Head in Holmbridge . Wesley's Shed is further up Dam Head well over a 100 metres away so Edie would need a quite powerful voice to shout and for Wesley to hear, especially if he was working in the Shed giving the big Hammer "some chucky"
Hello Liana. I am busy working on the new edition of the book. It's quite a task as I am going through it from beginning to end, re-writing and editing extensively, Some new photos and some new interviews as well. I am really hopeful that this edition will be better than the original. Your photo is in the book and, indeed, if you wish to add any details, feel free to do so. For example: did you go searching for the location? Did you visit any others?
No problem if you don't choose to add anything... that photo is good enough for me.
We are always searching and trying to put not so obvious photos in I took a picture of the steps that ‘they’ frequented running away from the cafe Ivy and Nora