Wesley's Land Rover

I have a picture in my mind of Glenda in the driving seat of the Land rover. Whether it is actual or wishful thinking I am not sure! Just have no idea of episode tho'.:confused::rolleyes:
Dick hold that thought for the foreseeable future, I imagine it would be preferable to Pearl as a replacement to your usual thoughts about Glenda in the context of transport
Wesley went through many Landies some excellent and others,well you would not want to sit in it cant recall Glenda driving one but she did sometimes drive Barrys cars.He was a nervous wreck when she did this and once she really put her foot down with the ladies on board Nora looked ill!
Glenda was on a motorcycle Chuck in........A BRIEF EXCURSION IN THE FAST LANE! She looked very fetching in her leathers and well deserved a second look! I am 72 and gaveher a second lookj!
Be honest, Dick. You gave her a second look 14 years ago when it first aired. You must be up to at least your 14th look by now, if not your 114th look.:)
Dick they've apparently published you blood pressure chart when you watch said episode and there are huge fluctuations between when Glenda is in shot and when Glenda is not
