What do you Collect

Most of my phones are more "normal" retro! This is a selection. I have multiples of some of them - like four of the red 746's!
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I also have a Key and Lamp, though I modified it to flash the lights via USB, I keep trying to get a decent 776, Brother in Law Dave has a 223 in Ivory, I had a 741 with extended handset cord, but gave it away some years go, I took out a lot of 41F in the 80's, but never kept any
Had my landline cut off when my then teenage kids friends got their first mobile phones! Turns out they where ringing my kids from their mobiles and asking them to ring them back so they didn't use up their money!! My bill went from about £50 every 3 months to well over £300. Strong words were had and the phone cut off.