What if.....


Super Moderator
We may have covered this topic before but here goes.
Hypothetical situation.
2012 The BBc (or ITV) want a comedy series set in the Yorkshire countryside about 3 retired/unemployed men and their daily adventures.

Who today would play the parts?
keep Russ as the third man character
Tim Healy as the overgrown shoolboy,not sire about Clegg character though-Kevin Whately possibly
I like this topic very much and the answers given so far. Will have a think.
I am repeated others before in Summer Wine comeback topics, but I have to continue to back up my beloved actors

Keep Russ Abbott
bring back Keith Clifford
and now as the decades passed, Mike Grady is ready for the elderly role

and if one of them wouldn't work, make Bobby Ball a permanent cast member
Many of my choices are not among the living but:

Duncan Preston (Stan on Dinner Ladies)

Peter Bowles (Only when I laugh)

James bolam (Only when I laugh)

Richard Briers

Warren Mitchell

Michael Caine
Many of my choices are not among the living but:

Duncan Preston (Stan on Dinner Ladies)

Peter Bowles (Only when I laugh)

James bolam (Only when I laugh)

Richard Briers

Warren Mitchell

Michael Caine

Michael would play the leader I take it :)
Ok ok I'm redoing my list ( you guys are great at this :) )
Jim Broadbent
Alun Armstrong ( Still in there)
Richard Briers

And has a seconed group
Duncan Preston
Bobby Ball
Tim Healy

Anyone have any ideas for the ladies?
How about
Juile Walters
Alison Steadman
Patrica Routledge
You could have a role reversal by having three women doing the wacky stuff. The male equivalent of Nora would have to be Richard Wilson (Victor Meldrew)
I have always considered that Bobby Ball would make a good Compo style character and possibly Timothy Spall or Robert Daws as a Cleggy type.I would like to see Russ Abbot given another chance and i think Alun Armstrong is another good choice.

My heart would sink like a stone to see the likes of Julie Walters,P Routledge,A Steadman,V Wood included.They are good at what they do but i cant see them fitting into a Summerwine type programme.

The last time I commented on this I was not very original. I basical listed the previous Summer Wine cast members.

Now I have another answer to this topic that is quite out there. This will be possibly considered ingenious or will be one of the most hated ideas ever to come from the forum. I apologize if it is the latter.

While I get most of my relatively family-friendly British comedies from American Public Television I was exposed to a wilder show from MTV in the mid-80's. The Young One's aired about 30 years ago. Many of you might be figuring out where I am going with this.

Get the Young Ones cast together, thirty years later and create a Holmsfirth setting with 3-4 redundant or retired guys. I am really clueless with most British actors and actresses and who is still in the business. The four actors who made the Young Ones are..

Christopher Ryan (Mike)
Nigel Planer (Neil)
Rik Mayall (Rick)
Adrian Edmonson (Vivian)

in addition their landlord was played by Alexei Sayle, who could make a very good Compo-like character.

Now please understand that I am not saying they should replay the same characters. However, I think these guys were great together and could join forces 30 years later for a completely different kind of comedy.

When Young Ones was big in America Neil, Rick, and Vivian were so popular but most comedic groups need a serious lead guy. Mike, played by Christopher Ryan, was great lead. His laid back, cool, calm, and collective approach reminds me a little bit of Truly.
The last time I commented on this I was not very original. I basical listed the previous Summer Wine cast members.

Now I have another answer to this topic that is quite out there. This will be possibly considered ingenious or will be one of the most hated ideas ever to come from the forum. I apologize if it is the latter.

While I get most of my relatively family-friendly British comedies from American Public Television I was exposed to a wilder show from MTV in the mid-80's. The Young One's aired about 30 years ago. Many of you might be figuring out where I am going with this.

Get the Young Ones cast together, thirty years later and create a Holmsfirth setting with 3-4 redundant or retired guys. I am really clueless with most British actors and actresses and who is still in the business. The four actors who made the Young Ones are..

Christopher Ryan (Mike)
Nigel Planer (Neil)
Rik Mayall (Rick)
Adrian Edmonson (Vivian)

in addition their landlord was played by Alexei Sayle, who could make a very good Compo-like character.

Now please understand that I am not saying they should replay the same characters. However, I think these guys were great together and could join forces 30 years later for a completely different kind of comedy.

When Young Ones was big in America Neil, Rick, and Vivian were so popular but most comedic groups need a serious lead guy. Mike, played by Christopher Ryan, was great lead. His laid back, cool, calm, and collective approach reminds me a little bit of Truly.

The Young Ones is one of my all time favourite series.I have always thought a aeries where the 4 characters are re-united 30 years later would be fascinating.
The last time I commented on this I was not very original. I basical listed the previous Summer Wine cast members.

Now I have another answer to this topic that is quite out there. This will be possibly considered ingenious or will be one of the most hated ideas ever to come from the forum. I apologize if it is the latter.

While I get most of my relatively family-friendly British comedies from American Public Television I was exposed to a wilder show from MTV in the mid-80's. The Young One's aired about 30 years ago. Many of you might be figuring out where I am going with this.

Get the Young Ones cast together, thirty years later and create a Holmsfirth setting with 3-4 redundant or retired guys. I am really clueless with most British actors and actresses and who is still in the business. The four actors who made the Young Ones are..

Christopher Ryan (Mike)
Nigel Planer (Neil)
Rik Mayall (Rick)
Adrian Edmonson (Vivian)

in addition their landlord was played by Alexei Sayle, who could make a very good Compo-like character.

Now please understand that I am not saying they should replay the same characters. However, I think these guys were great together and could join forces 30 years later for a completely different kind of comedy.

When Young Ones was big in America Neil, Rick, and Vivian were so popular but most comedic groups need a serious lead guy. Mike, played by Christopher Ryan, was great lead. His laid back, cool, calm, and collective approach reminds me a little bit of Truly.
Mike has always been my favourite of the 4
Christopher Ryan wasn't supposed to play Mike, he was a last minute substitute. I'm not sure that the other 3 knew him that well, if at all before the series was filmed.
I have to say The Young Ones would be in my top 5 of all time.