What is your Favourite Sandwich

When I was a child I use to like Weetabix spread with lemon curd,no milk just lemon curd on Weetabix and tom sauce sandwiches. ;D
When living in Canada a popular sandwich was "peanut butter and slices of Banana"

Here in malta we have a popular sandwich which we take to the beach with us. A round crusty like burger bun. Slice in half and to that you do:

sprinkle olive oil on both sides
a teaspoon of tomato paste and rub it in the oil
Some mashed up tuna
sliced green or black olives
a few capers
mint, basil and marjoram
salt and pepper
some more oil on top

There are other versions....
When living in Canada a popular sandwich was "peanut butter and slices of Banana"

Here in malta we have a popular sandwich which we take to the beach with us. A round crusty like burger bun. Slice in half and to that you do:

sprinkle olive oil on both sides
a teaspoon of tomato paste and rub it in the oil
Some mashed up tuna
sliced green or black olives
a few capers
mint, basil and marjoram
salt and pepper
some more oil on top

There are other versions....

Oh dear is that classed as a sandwhich?
It sounds more like a dinner. ;D

To much oil for me, and where would put the ketchup :-\
Hot - bacon
Toasted - ham and cheese
Cold - roast beef, cheese, tomato, lettuce, salad cream, plain crisps
Healthy option - tuna with crusty bread
You can't beat crusty cobs with hot tomato soup.
mmmm, must stop reading this tread! I'm hungry again ;)
To throw a spanner in the works, I have a son who will make a sandwich of anything!!! He even made Pizza sandwiches before but his fave is to make a sarnie of his mother's stew( spuds,carrots , onions) whatever she has used!! Once upon a time we used to get through a loaf and a half a day because of him liking bread with everything(still he grew to be 6ft 4ins)
Are they going to create an "Olympic Sandwich" for the occasion???

If not what would you like on it???
When living in Canada a popular sandwich was "peanut butter and slices of Banana"

Here in malta we have a popular sandwich which we take to the beach with us. A round crusty like burger bun. Slice in half and to that you do:

sprinkle olive oil on both sides
a teaspoon of tomato paste and rub it in the oil
Some mashed up tuna
sliced green or black olives
a few capers
mint, basil and marjoram
salt and pepper
some more oil on top

There are other versions....

Oh dear is that classed as a sandwhich?
It sounds more like a dinner. ;D

To much oil for me, and where would put the ketchup :-\

Ketchup is for children and not for adults....
If we are being picky about sandwiches my father in law's fave was condensed milk sarnies with sugar on . If I caught my mother at a busy time and asked about a sandwich I was often told " jam and herring" or at a particular busy time "**** with sugar on" obviously meaning "too busy come back later ". :o :o
Did anyone as a child have sugar sandwiches

What on earth are sugar sandwiches?

There are too many delicious sandwiches for me to pick one but I will share two, perhaps very American, that might not sound good but are surprisingly tasty.

Elvis Presley was known for liking grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches. That is peanut butter on both sides, sliced banana in between, buttered on both outsides and grilled on a buttered pan.

Grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches prepared the same way are delicious once the taste is acquired.
Sugar sandwhich is just that, bread and butter with sugar sprinkled on it. ??? Not a favorite of mine.
Sugar sandwich, well, we have that here in Germany, except that we don´t eat so much toast, we mainly have "real" bread, many many sorts of bread. Most of us regard toast as some sort of floppy foam rubber that tastes of nothing really. But I remember having real bread with sugar a few times, but not often.

LOL, no, Terry, Knackwurst is the only thing I definitely can´t eat anymore. I ate one too fast when I was a child, you can guess what happened, since then I can´t stand them anymore.
how about Bratwurst?
LOL, no, I don´t like any sort of Wurst very much. Bratwurst is a little better though, or Currywurst. I don´t like beer either, nor Sauerkraut or what else people regard as typical German food. I´m not picky, but of all things it´s often those people associate with Germany.
What is a crusty cob? I heard Glenda ask Barry (LOTSW) to bring her one once.

Its a round bread roll, thats crusty, it's very well cooked and Lovely :D
You've not lived if you've never had a crusty bacon cob mmmmmm