Where did Ivy cook?

In the early episodes there was an outhouse at the side of the cafe. I'm not sure when it was demolished but it wasn't there in later episodes. Maybe it was an outside toilet where Compo went to when he said "I'll go across to the gent's and fix me zip"

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That angle makes everything not fit, lol. That window is included in the counter area which would leave a kitchen too narrow to reach out your arms :)
That angle makes everything not fit, lol. That window is included in the counter area which would leave a kitchen too narrow to reach out your arms :)
Also, the kitchen window is nonexistent on the outside, a point which has been mentioned many times before. Said window also changes shape a lot between series. It has been large and square, large with a curved top edge, and small & rectangular.
I think everywhere in your photos was supposed to be where all the cooking was done.

Obviously it's all just a set (scenery) and not real - and space and budget is always an element, so we have use our imagination (or ignore the factors which tell us this is never going to be a real, efficient kitchen).

In Series Six, in The Odd Dog Men, we see some new cooking units of some sort being about to be installed in the kitchen, presumably in readiness for the completely redecorated cafe we see in the next episode A Bicycle Made for Three.

In Series Five we find out that there is a function room directly above the cafe - which seems to have been converted into a bedroom a few years later in Getting Sam Home - so we can assume there could also be room for more cooking facilities upstairs.

In Small Tune on a Penny Wassail, we see where Sid and Ivy live, complete with kitchen. It is not clear whether this accommodation is above (or behind) the cafe itself, or at a completely different address.
When we went to Sid’s cafe you could see the serving hatch and door which looked like they would never have opened if that makes sense we looked at the wall adjoins where the counter would be u couldn’t fit anything in so I imagine it was filmed in a studio
No, I find it strange that they don't have iced buns with a cherry on top either. You would think they'd fly of the shelf & people would be slurping from their saucers aswell.
That is a really good point, the lady who owns the cafe is lovely and I'm sure she'd be open to good ideas. I'm not even a big fan of sticky buns but I'd try one if they were sold there!!!!
I have watched many cooking shows and amazing food comes out of really small kitchens and conversely, it seems that not much food comes out of large kitchens with high-end appliances. So you never know how exactly Ivy accomplishes all of that cooking and baking, but that kitchen door flaps and the food appears.
It always made me laugh when she had a morning rush and the queue was out the door. Also there was a episode where Sid and Wally were carrying a lot of plates upstairs. She's probably never had that many customers. I think the episode was a Bycycle made for Three