Oh dear, AYBS has a few letters missing and those present are in the incorrect order ABYSMAL is not to strong a description , it was simply awful far worse than I expected . Why they made it I don't know , later on BBC1 they showed the old Comedy Connections for AYBS and Porridge and they showed the craft behind both shows and although I had seen several times before even they were far superior and a much better watch than this drivel . Porridge was slightly better but Clement and LeFrenais should have refused to do it , the lesson was there with Going Straight which was not well received and poor in comparison with Porridge .
I hope that they now don't afford C&L the chance to write a series because I think they have had their time, not that there are any writers of quality about at present to take the crown they earned from Porridge and Auf Wiedersehen .
On reflection thankfully they left our beloved show alone , not sure I can face Steptoe and Son , Til Death do Us Part and Keeping up Appearances fills me with trepidation