Yorkshire spiders.

In actuality I believe you do have poisonous spiders, notably the false widow among others. I also read that there had been an influx of brown recluse spiders, which we have here. We also have black widows, and enormous grass spiders which try to get into the house. I have always been terrified of spiders.
You wouldn't feel comfortable in my home then, I have a spider-open-door policy. All are welcome!
It happened when my Daughter was a toddler, I was determined that she wasn't going to turn out like some people who scream blue murder at the sight of a 5mm house spider, or won't go into the bathroom because some poor little chap has been caught in the bath, so I bit the bullet and started looking for spiders, handling them and getting my Daughter to handle and like them. A friend of mine, Cliff, kept tarantulas as pets, and we spent many a happy afternoon letting them walk up and down our arms. As a consequence I now love spiders, and my Daughter is a vet!
Knowledge really is power, that was a very good thing to do for your daughter. When I was a child, I was downright phobic of spiders because of my mother's example and because when I get a spider bite it turns into a lump the size of a golf ball. I deliberately chose to work to overcome it by learning to identify them. If I can say, yes that is an Argiope, or that is a spitting spider, and I know something about them I'm not afraid of them. It's walking through a spider web or having one of those giant grass spiders suddenly rush up your pants leg that gets me, and yes, if it's bigger than a quarter and it's in my bathtub or the kitchen sink, you don't want to see what I go through trying to kill it myself. It's the same here with snakes. We have rattlesnakes and copperheads that are very dangerous, and we have garter, black, and rat snakes which are not (unless they get a taste for chicken eggs) if you know which is which, there is no reason to be afraid of them or of handling them, but some people go completely crazy at the sight of one.