You couldn't make it up!


LOTSW Fanatic
Two pieces of weird news today on MSN.......Officers in a SRI LANKA prison heard ring tones coming from a prisoners backside and found his illegal mobile phone " you know where " :o

There is a lobby to get David Attenboroughs wild life shows to feature more "gay" animals. ::)
Two pieces of weird news today on MSN.......Officers in a SRI LANKA prison heard ring tones coming from a prisoners backside and found his illegal mobile phone " you know where " :o

There is a lobby to get David Attenboroughs wild life shows to feature more "gay" animals. ::)

Is anybody watching David Attenboroughs "Africa"? I love these programs.
Two pieces of weird news today on MSN.......Officers in a SRI LANKA prison heard ring tones coming from a prisoners backside and found his illegal mobile phone " you know where " :o

There is a lobby to get David Attenboroughs wild life shows to feature more "gay" animals. ::)

I would love to know what ring tone he had ;D Any suggestions? :D

And gay animals, I know there are gay horses and primates but didn't know there there others !
Lovely joke... You're an inspiration to us all George, especially me! ;D
Puff Adders

I really wish you had not written that, George. I have this total aversion to snakes and the very name "Puff Adder" just sets my teeth on edge.

"It is responsible for causing the most snakebite fatalities in Africa owing to various factors, such as its wide distribution and frequent occurrence in highly populated regions." It has this sneaky tendency to sleep beside paths and bites naked feet of folk walking by.

Another is name I find gruesome is water mocassin or its alternative, cottonmouth.

I just cannot understand how the Chinese can have a year of the snake. I shall just have to hybernate for a year from tomorrow.
Puff Adders, oh George :D :D :D! Funny, in German it is Puffotter, but Otter is an otter as well as an adder. Weird language, I know.

Aw, Big Unc needs a year of hibernation because someone mentioned snakes? You better watch Disney´s Jungle Book, you can´t not love Kaa. I quite like snakes, even find some of them quite cute.
Sorry Unc
You wouldn't like it here.A few doors from us is a pet shop, 'The Reptile Hotel' which caters solely for reptile/snake lovers.of which it appears there a many.
I have to admit though, I personally have never seen a snake.
Sorry Unc
You wouldn't like it here.A few doors from us is a pet shop, 'The Reptile Hotel' which caters solely for reptile/snake lovers.of which it appears there a many.
I have to admit though, I personally have never seen a snake.

I think I am conditioned to the fact that my body reacts very badly to any form of poison. I can be made very unwell by a wasp sting and need to rush to A & E if stung.

At age of seven my family went to Freetown, Sierra Leone. My father was in the Army. A day or so after our arrival we visited the beach used by our forces there. Most unusually, there was a snske on the beach that day - killed pretty quickly - have no idea what it was.
It's not surprising that snakes set off your 'cringe button' Unc, I think I would be the same in your situation
Near the village where I was born we used to find adders . They usually slithered away if you gave them chance but if you stepped on one that was sunbathing ....look out!! A couple if schoolpals had to be rushed to hospital because they weren't careful. :(
Near the village where I was born we used to find adders . They usually slithered away if you gave them chance but if you stepped on one that was sunbathing ....look out!! A couple if schoolpals had to be rushed to hospital because they weren't careful. :(

The only snakes in Scotland are adders which maybe tells us something. Sometimes think the only thing for me is to move to my maternal land of Ireland.