

Dedicated Member
Recently I've been watching YouTube more and getting somewhat addicted to mountain hiking, and some van life channels if they involve lots of scenery. Anyone else becoming a YouTube addict?
I prefer Dailymotion as they have all the early episodes of LOTSW in full, and I find it's quicker than loading up my DVD's!
Im over the amount of ads on youtube... 2-3 ads that many times you cant SKIP AD on - and you see the same flammin ads over and over adn over...
Like Grammarly ... and other SH_)T that I couldnt give a rats carrot about for the billionth time...
Get a good ad blocker, Bruce. I have been using uBlock Origin for a while. It is free and you can custom block ads also. Almost forgot yt had adds until I tried a browser without a blocker.

My rational is odds are extremely high I am not going to buy their product in the first place. So, no sense in wasting both our time by forcing their add upon me. Maybe that is why I enjoy DVD's so much - no ads, just content. :21:
Bruce and RickAns: I'm using AdGuard adblocker which is an extension on Microsoft Edge. (I don't know if you are up on computer jargon?) I've not seen one ad what so ever since I installed it. It even works on sites that usually tell you to turn off your adblocker before you can read them, providing you are not using any other type of adblocker simultaneously. It even removes ads on some TV catch up sites. I'm not saying it will do the same for everyone, but that's my experience. I'm sure you can download it for any other web browser if you don't use Microsoft Edge.