Politically correct curve yet to be flattened

Since it's being broadcast on a station and at a time when, for example, nearly all of the members of my extended family's four living generations would find it offensive and turn it off because we don't patronize any source of rudeness to anyone anywhere, offering the edited version is a practical choice to retain listeners.
To be honest I have heard to song several times over the years and never really noticed the offending words, until they were printed in the press, yet the BBC who have watered the song down, have been playing far worst lyrical songs recently, one being a rap song about female anatomy without batting a eyelid
One of my best friends is gay and he thinks it's just another load of nonsense from the BBC. I'm amazed they didn't drop fairy from the title as some could find that homophobic :rolleyes:
I remember when we were kids, primary school teachers, parents, my mother included used the term in question to describe a bold child. It was only used to describe a bold female kid for some reason. I'm sure my mother didn't know of any other connotation of the word, if it even existed back then. I'm quite sure when the term is used in the song it is not intended as a homophobic slight, more a general insult.
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Like old TV shows which have been castigated for their content in recent times does this now mark the same sort of outpouring for any number of historical songs . Do we just accept that at the time they were written some of their content was not considered insulting at that juncture or do we now outlaw them by no longer airing them publicly . I fear this will be the start of the assassination .
Can you imagine the furore if they tried to remake LOTSW as-was now.
assault, theft, language.... PC lot would have a bloo*y field day!
The word they think is the most offensive is not even offensive here, it's a large meatball ! My kids have been singing this for years, there comes a point when people need to get over it.
I remember when they banned Frankie Goes to Hollywood. It only went to number 1 because people bought the record to see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't even a good song.
Auntie Beeb has banned all sorts of songs and some of the artists are surprising , George Formby and Glenn Miller to name two.

Just read the list and am very shocked at the comedy records included. I WENT TO YOUR WEDDING by Spike Jones has been a favourite of mine for 50+ years and I had a load of George Formby 78s at one time. :oops::confused2:
The word they think is the most offensive is not even offensive here, it's a large meatball ! My kids have been singing this for years, there comes a point when people need to get over it.
I remember when they banned Frankie Goes to Hollywood. It only went to number 1 because people bought the record to see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't even a good song.
I agree.

I'm sure in the innocent 1950s it was ok to call a stupid old lady (for example) a 'silly old faggot' without it relating to sexuality.

Faggot meaning a likeness to a meatball or similar, I suppose.

I'm certain this word only seems to have one, very offensive meaning nowadays.

A lot of moderately harmless words have mutated into totally taboo words - and I don't know how.

Censoring the word from the song only draws more attention to word, and therefore that makes the word worse than it already may be.