I did the same and added extra funds binning the TV Licence, saved over £750 so far, you can get a lot of DVD's for that
Its interesting.. I've been enjoying Inspector Morse lately. Never watched it before. Great scripts I feel and acting, plus a great theme song

But annoyingly Foxtel are playing 1 episode, then something else, then a second episode of it - rinse and repeat.. All in order S1 -E1 ... S1 - E2 etc.... but dont have time to sit down and binge them all...
So I thought about buying them, then looked at the 100 odd DVD's I have and thought when was the last time I watched some 99% of them... Enjoyed 2-3 times then dust gatherers..
I guess some sorts of shows you can watch over and over, but for example detective/mystery shows you cant really watch them often without wasting your time knowing the outcome.
Pay TV could be so much better but why should they change?? The Lemmings are throwing money at them hand over fist. All of them, Foxtel, Netflix, etc etc etc
They could have less channels with better content, but i guess when you look at the pure crap they pump out now (Its like they dont even try anymore), it shows how desperate they are to fill 23980238423 channels with 24/7 and only 1 of them worth watching.
I often think if my TV died, would I bother replacing it. My contract with Foxtel is up, and expensive.. I'd pay $10-20 a week for all their channels but, not $100 for 1/2 of them