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  1. cornishman

    Annual behind-the-desk tidy

    This is what it should look like, though I don't know how long it will look this tidy :08:
  2. cornishman

    Annual behind-the-desk tidy

    In reality it's been a couple of years since I last managed to dismantle the computer desk and have a tidy, wasn't too well last year. I have to say I'm pretty pleased with myself this time though, I had NO spurious cables or fittings left over at all.
  3. cornishman

    Hello everyone

    And a very warm welcome from the hermit of Kernow :)
  4. cornishman

    For Train Enthusiasts (tongue firmly in cheek)

    And in the train horn one I just loved the appearence of Thomas the tank engine (briefly :) ) Very cleverly assembled.
  5. cornishman

    For Train Enthusiasts (tongue firmly in cheek)

    You have a lot to answer for! Just sat and watched/listened to the scrolling score by GeruBach three damn times. Absolutely beautiful.
  6. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    The following are "Loose" and "as they come!" The secret birthday of Norman Clegg All in their best suits, or Norman and Truly is an undercover birthday meal - everyone else is at a wedding with the reception being at the same hotel Clegg had chosen. Except Marina who invites herself to join...
  7. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE. 23rd SERIES. 1. POTTS IN POLE POSITION While out walking, Truly, Clegg and Billy come across a woman dressed in a safari suit. She tells them that she is looking for her husband (Potts). Howard meanwhile has come up with yet another ploy for seeing Marina. He tells...
  8. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    These next few series are not numbered correctly (I think), when I've recovered my sanity Terry and I will sort it out. Also there will be more than average spelling and punctuation errors, it was a nightmare converting these next two series. TWENTY SECOND SERIES 2001. 1. GETTING BARRYS GOAT...
  9. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 20 1998 10 programmes 1. THE PONY SET Compo starts his day watching the Margot Fonteyn of the clothes line (Nora Batty) hanging out her washing, until the deckchair he is sitting in collapses. Clegg's day starts with a fluffy duster coming through his letter box, with Howard attached to...
  10. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 19 -1997 10 programmes 1 special Special -THERE GOES THE GROOM. Compo and Clegg are off to a stag night where they come across Truly, an old friend who has now retired from the police force. Because the groom Ronnie, Barry and Foggy have had too much to drink Truly rings Wesley and asks...
  11. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    Special: A LEG UP FOR CHRISTMAS. The day begins for our trio at the cafe where Foggy reminisces about an old girlfriend he used to have at Catterick Barracks. her name was Gillian and she was in the ATS. Going for a walk through the town they come across Howard who is feeling depressed, so they...
  12. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 17 -1995 10 programmes 1 special. 1.LEAVING HOME FOREVER OR TILL TEATIME. As usual, Clegg's morning begins with Howard calling to see him, but this time he arrives with two suitcases. He tells Clegg that Pearl has thrown him out because she found what looks like (and is) lipstick on his...
  13. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 16 1994 (Seems to be missing episode 3??) 8 programmes 1 special. Special - THE MAN WHO NEARLY KNEW PAVAROTII. Compo bestows the magical properties of gravy granules to everyone today, especially Nora Batty. Wesley calls at the cafe where our trio are having a cuppa and asks them to...
  14. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 15 1993 9 programmes 1 special. 1.HOW TO CLEAR YOUR PIPES. Compo tells Foggy and Clegg that he would like to sweep Nora up into his muscular arms, but because he is not fit Foggy says he needs to go on an assault course. After an attempt at tree climbing and dangling from the rafters of...
  15. cornishman

    A few random thoughts

    All this extra time on my hands got me thinking (don't worry, getting the nurse to increase the medication Terry). In all the comedy series I enjoy watching there is inevitably one character that I find offensive/annoying/unnecessary apart from 'Allo 'Allo (until series 6) I'm talking LOTSW...
  16. cornishman

    My Hand

    I could think of a few more words it may have problems with. Like "@*%%^)££" and (%%$)@$£**" to name just two that I use when referring to my computer!!
  17. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 14 -1992 10 programmes. 1. BY THE MAGNIFICENT THIGHS OF ERNIE BURNISTON. On his way to meet Compo and Foggy, Clegg finds Howard inside a wheelie bin. Howard asks Clegg to deliver a birthday card to Marina. Whilst out walking, Foggy decides that nobody their age is as fit as they used to...
  18. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 13 1991 - 6 programmes 1 special. 1. QUICK, QUICK, SLOW. Compo is feeling really depressed today because Nora Batty has got Smiler as a lodger and she's washing his long johns. After a visit to the cafe and the pub the trio go back to Compo's house where Smiler tells Compo that he has...
  19. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 12 - 10 programmes 1 special. 1. RETURN OF THE WARRIOR. Our story begins with Compo and Clegg helping Seymour with his luggage as he is off to take up the post of relief headmaster. Calling for a pint whilst waiting for the bus they inform Seymour that he can't beat small children...
  20. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 11 -1989 7 programmes 1 special. 1. COME BACK JACK HARRY TEESDALE. Whilst out walking our trio get a lift from Jack Harry Teesdale and his wife, a lady who seems to spend most of her time eating handkerchiefs. They go for a pint and discuss what could be wrong with Mrs. Teesdale, and...