My Hand


Staff member
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I have had surgery to my hand, well it is not started to recover yet , managed to see my GP today and called the consultant , who is now of the opinion there is more nerve damage than First expected , resulting to my use of one hand and strong pain medication for some time to come, so if my replies to post are brief you will understand. He wanted me to go to the pain clinic but with the current crisis that could be some wait, other than that all is good. And I hope all the forum members are keeping well and safe, Terry
Sorry you're still in pain Terry, I hope the pain meds are working to some extent. Don't worry about us, Tony, John and I will mind the fort.
The hand saga continues, because of lock down I have not been able to get any treatment other than a couple of boxes of pain killers, a couple of weeks ago I did manage to seek the help of a Private Physiotherapist, who was a great help with what is now going to be a slow process to get the hand fully functional . I am now seeing a hand therapist recommended by the fist one I visited and lots of exercise, to do, plus a splint to help stretch ceased ligaments, see picture. Our local hospital have now received a second urgent appointment request from my GP, the first one was in February, which got cancelled without telling anyone, I had a call from them saying all being well they will see me in 8 to 10 weeks.
Sadly I don't think you are alone , delay is everywhere in connection with Hospital appointments yet on any number of the Daily Bulletins the top medical experts keep reiterating that the Hospitals are open for normal business and they are encouraging people with issues to attend , clearly at the grass roots level that is inaccurate advice. I am so sorry you are clearly still having issues and recovery is protracted, hopefully the hand therapist can continue to help ease your issues until you get seen by the Hospital specialist . Take care .
To go back to the days of another Terry (Wogan) You've certainly got to see a few "terrorists" . I had to see a physio-terrorist once for my back .The only thing that kept me going was being facetious and calling her a physio -terrorist !:fp:
To go back to the days of another Terry (Wogan) You've certainly got to see a few "terrorists" . I had to see a physio-terrorist once for my back .The only thing that kept me going was being facetious and calling her a physio -terrorist !:fp:
I had one of those when I injured my shoulder 17 months. ago. I still can't use my arm. I have to use other methods for typing. ??????????????? Don't ask. :39:
Physical therapy is my first line of defense for any pain or malfunction that feels as though it's coming from muscles, tendons or ligaments. The only down-side is that the exercises assigned as homework can amount to a full-time job.

Terry - I hope your specialists are able to make some progress.
Most definitely Barry, especially when my second arrow got double bottom.:13:

Well Peri at least you won a trophy in your Darts career !!! Well you won Mrs Peri a cuddly teddy bear on the darts game at the local fairground . The first two shots actually hit the prizes but throwing the last dart away in disgust worked wonders as you hit the Jack of Clubs right in his mince pie!
Physical therapy is my first line of defense for any pain or malfunction that feels as though it's coming from muscles, tendons or ligaments. The only down-side is that the exercises assigned as homework can amount to a full-time job.

Terry - I hope your specialists are able to make some progress.

How very true Marianna
I had a strange experience some years ago when I broke my wrist and had to attend the NHS physiotherapist sessions at my local Hospital . I never dreamt that playing a computer game would be part of my treatment . What they had done was to set up a console screen with Space Invaders loaded but instead of a joystick the control was a wheel with notches cut out about 4 or 5 inches in diameter with a discreet button to fire .

The Physio could see I was puzzled but she explained it was to help with the lateral movement and the ability to turn my hand/wrist over. Obvious when you think about it and why they used Space Invaders and a wheel control . The game involves moving your ship side to side as the aliens come towards you and to achieve that you have to turn the wheel back and forwards thus compelling you to turn your wrist/hand over and back to achieve it but in a fun way.