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  1. cornishman


    I hate you, how DARE you visit my favourite village in the UK :33::33:
  2. cornishman

    Yet another update

    Tomorrow morning (Friday 18th October) I may be doing a major database upgrade. I'll be doing it early (UK) and it shouldn't tsake more than three quarters of an hour.
  3. cornishman

    Notice Anything

    air conditioner?
  4. cornishman

    Attention. Website downtime (Wednesday 25th September 2019)

    Cap, we do have an SSL certificate installed (have had for a couple of years now) and members/users are urged to use the https: (instead of http:) BUT, and here comes the bummer, because we allow the posting of off-site images these cannot be encrypted with the content of our own site, the...
  5. cornishman

    Attention. Website downtime (Wednesday 25th September 2019)

    People, I am having to do a rather major forum software update in the morning as well as a seriously major PHP re-thingy!! (I could go into details but I'm not prepared to spend the next three days trying to) Consequently the website will be unavailable for as short a time as possible tomorrow...
  6. cornishman

    Yahoo Email Issues

    Just seen this (current on 5th September 2019)
  7. cornishman

    See if you can spot

    Could you be referring to "positioning"?
  8. cornishman

    18 years and I need your help again

    Many thanks to all of you :)
  9. cornishman

    Roy Clarke Character Puzzler

    I think we're safe now. (at least I hope so!)
  10. cornishman

    Roy Clarke Character Puzzler

    I am really, really sorry but I have had to close this thread as it has been reported by btinternet (UK) and Yahoo (global) as spam and we (the summerwine forum) are in danger of being blacklisted on all email providers. When I have sorted out the confusion I will re-open this thread. Sorry...
  11. cornishman

    Very Sad news

    So very sad. It doesn't sound good for her.
  12. cornishman

    Home at last

    Ah, you want to see my Travolta moves:D
  13. cornishman

    Home at last

    Went into Derriford hospital yesterday morning at 0730, was in the operating theatre within 20 minutes and on the recovery ward two hours later. Pain like I have never experienced, though I had been warned, and I won't tell you where as it's certainly not for the squeemish! Had to spend 24...
  14. cornishman

    You have to Smile

    Like that billboard announcing that "Give blood....... 4 Million mosquitos can't be wrong!"
  15. cornishman

    Whats the best series of LOTSW?

    You're not unique, I'm with you on that one.
  16. cornishman

    Again, with the wires!

    So, this morning I have my annual tidy up behind my computer desk. Lo and behold I'm left with a load of spare cables (see piccy) The most surprising thing is that everything still works :rolleyes: computers, monitors, printers, phones, networking, all good. I reckon Harry Potter had a hand in...
  17. cornishman

    Best Performance #4

    All of them...... my very favourite character!
  18. cornishman

    Variations on a Theme of Fathers Day.

    Trying to write a new character into a series as well established as LOTSW must have been a nightmare. I must belong to the minority, I liked the character / Russ Abbott. Not sure if this will get me blacklisted but when Eli comes on screen I just thank the Lord for the fast forward button, him...
  19. cornishman

    The name Peripheral.

    You carry on blogging my friend, it's great to hear from our members and their experiences. Thanks :D