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  1. mashibinbin

    Gentle Comedies

    How would you have finished things differently given the chance? (Private message me not to spoil for Barry).
  2. mashibinbin

    Well dressed Foggy

    In the Man from Oswestry and Return of the Warrior he does a double stint of wearing his luggage! ;)
  3. mashibinbin

    Gentle Comedies

    Once the whole book subplot fades in the background and it's just the interplay between the characters over almost nothing then it becomes something special, Geoffrey Palmer can make the most mundane line full of understated emotion.
  4. mashibinbin


    With Wes-lay it was the last of the summer grime! ;)
  5. mashibinbin

    "That men there...or there...?"

    Here's the next one to ruminate then as the consensus is we had two Foggy clouds worth of episodes...which era worked better for you and why. For me the first era was better as he was a more established, albeit less respected, member of the community. He knew the locals and their foibles and...
  6. mashibinbin


    Not to mention the absence of high male singing voices!
  7. mashibinbin


    Not here but there's a severe lack of those £27 ones Richie and Eddie were peddling in Bottom.
  8. mashibinbin

    "That men there...or there...?"

    I'm guess decorating eggs in Bridlington has the effect of you always walking on eggshells therefore you're like to crack any minute and over there he'd be the local yolk! Clegg however as you say was subtly altered over time instead.
  9. mashibinbin

    "That men there...or there...?"

    True in as much trained killers can be! ;)
  10. mashibinbin

    "That men there...or there...?"

    That's exactly what I mean, thankyou. :) Night filming slowed right down in the later years so I can see where you're from there...mainly because I eat giant carrots in the dark! ;)
  11. mashibinbin

    Someone Cannot Count

    That can be done...
  12. mashibinbin

    "That men there...or there...?"

    Here's a poser for January for you... When you think about things do you see, the exit and reintroduction of Foggy aside from his run, as one continuous stretch of episodes with him as third man or two distinct eras of the show. Admittedly the supporting cast of the extended Pegdens, Auntie etc...
  13. mashibinbin

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    It's a good job this wasn't a contraversial one else it might have been called "Three Men and an Angle."
  14. mashibinbin

    Edies Driving.

    It would certainly test the examiner! :07:
  15. mashibinbin

    Someone Cannot Count

    Canny marketing I'd say.
  16. mashibinbin

    Quotable Arkwright.....

    I hope he doesn't get the hump!
  17. mashibinbin

    Nearly *not* the longest running sitcom in history.

    It would never have been commisioned! ;)
  18. mashibinbin

    Nearly *not* the longest running sitcom in history.

    I agree with this and equally dispute Doctor Who's recent 60th anniversary accordingly.
  19. mashibinbin

    Four legged friends

    He was barking up the wrong tree!
  20. mashibinbin

    Edies Driving.

    You c You cross Mrs Pegden at your peril...particularly when it's across the road!