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  1. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I went to the doctors this morning complaining of a bad back. "I know how you feel. Being a big breasted woman I often suffer from lower back pain..." She sympothised as she signalled me over to lie on the bed... "Can I just ask you to remove your top so I can take a good look?" "No, you most...
  2. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    What a job, peel the potatoes, slice the potatoes, batter the potatoes and then fry the potatoes. I just feel my life is frittering away.
  3. George

    Little big George

    Happy birthday George :dance: :dance:
  4. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I can't believe my neighbour is a tax dodger. He doesn't drink, smoke or drive a car.
  5. George


    Have a great day my friend. Remember age is just a number and 70 is a hell of a number :)
  6. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My wife keeps leaving magazines lying around with the jewelry ads circled. I got the hint. For her birthday she's getting a magazine rack
  7. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    If genius really is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration, there were a lot of geniuses on the bus today.
  8. George

    February 2014 Ask Susan-Pearl

    What makes you blush?
  9. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    If horses are not ducks or geese, how do people get down from them?
  10. George

    February 2014 Ask Susan-Pearl

    My wife is dyslexic too but typing and texting really seems to have helped.Have you found this?
  11. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Our marriage guidance counsellor told my wife that I need help to re-build my self confidence. So she told me that some women are really attracted to fat ugly men.
  12. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My dog Minton just ate my shuttlecock. Bad Minton.
  13. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I was so down that I bought a bunch of lucky heather from a Gypsy for £5. I felt so lucky that I decided to bet everything I own on the 3:30 at Sandown. Unfortunately the bookie wouldn't accept £5 worth of lucky heather.
  14. George

    TV show remakes

    Not a remake,but I'd love to see what the Young Ones ,Neil,Rik,Vyvian and Mike are doing now.
  15. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Bad news about the Local Soup Factory. It's gone into Ad Minestrone.
  16. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Apparently if your girlfriend or wife ever says "if anything happens to me, I want you to meet someone new...." "anything" doesn't include getting stuck in traffic.
  17. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    My mate walked up to me in the pub last night and said, "Who's the girl sitting in the corner with duct tape across her mouth?" "That's my new girlfriend." I replied. "Really?" he said, "You've kept that one quiet.
  18. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I had to take a 60-mile train journey for a simple operation. I'd hardly call that a local anaesthetic.
  19. George

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    A friend said I should try online dating, then I'll be able to find someone just like me. Personally, I don't want to date an ugly fat bloke