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  1. W

    The possibility of a new episode

    Looking at all the improvements in technology, could a final episode, written by Roy Clarke, be made? Though I'm not a fan of Artificial Intelligence, I can help noticing how someone else's face can be added to someone's else's body in videos and the like. On YouTube, there is a trend to stick...
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    Pete Postlethwaite

    Following a recent topic on who plays who, I thought it might be a good idea to re-investigate the business of Pete Postlethwaite appearing in A Merry Heatwave. He's not in it.
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    At Last!

    Finally, there is a whole episode of the ultra-rare sitcom Coppers End, 1971, starring Bill Owen, Josephine Tewson and Richard Wattis on YouTube. Recorded about a year before Bill Owen went on to LOTSW.
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    David Jason and the stutter

    In the SOAH pilot, and the first few series, David Jason used a very mild stutter as Granville, which I think was to signify the way he was becoming like Arkwright. But in later series, I felt the stutter was not used. Does anyone else think this?
  5. W

    Clegg and Two Third Men

    When Bill Owen died mid-way through a series, and the news that the show would continue, I could only see one way the show could continue successfully. To me, it would have been a perfect time to bring Brian Wilde back permanently. You were never going to get someone to completely replace...
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    Editing posts

    I've done my usual trick of sending out a post with a typo or three, and left it too late to edit it. Certainly not going to worry about it, it can stay like that. But would it be an easy task to extend the time available to alter posts, so they don't have to stay incorrect until the forum...
  7. W

    Dog ends

    Dog ends. Like what Compo would retrieve in the early series of LOTSW. Constantly, I am seeing them thrown out of car windows. Surely. Surely, this is LITTER? I just cannot understand why people have to throw them to the ground outside. Or, am I wrong, and over-reacting?
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    Wrapping paper in Small Tune on a Penny Wassail

    Small technical detail in Small Tune on a Penny Wassail. When Compo gets the presents, and gives them to Compo and Foggy, saying something like 'These are from you, and these are from you', a very illogical choice of wrapping paper was used. There were two designs of wrapping paper - one red...
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    Just having a moments thought. Why are there no actors like Bill Owen, Peter Sallis, Michael Bates, Brian Wilde, Michael Aldridge, Frank Thornton, John Comer, Joe Gladwin, Gordon Wharmby around anymore? There's no one as entertaining or funny making anything nowadays. Such brilliant...
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    Selecting a tribute episode for each departed cast member

    When Bill Owen died, an episode of LOTSW was shown as a tribute. In this case, they chose Bill's personal favourite episode - From Wellies to Wet Suit. I believe Full Steam Behind was the favourite episode of both Peter Sallis and Brian Wilde. So, which episode would you dedicate to each...
  11. W

    Pick your favourite FIRST of the Summer Wine episodes

    There was a pilot special episode, followed by two series of FIRST of the Summer Wine. Here's your chance to pick your favourite episodes. I'll be generous, and allow you to pick THREE, yes THREE episodes. I shall go for: Taller Exercises The Way of the Warrior The Great Indoors.
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    Question on most recent Last of the Summer Wine books

    I haven't got round to buying any Last of the Summer Wine books lately. Which is shameful. The last book I obtained (big thanks to Terry) was'From the Director's Chair' by Alan JW Bell. And around that time I also bought 'Last of the Summer Wine' by Andrew Vine. Can anyone point out which...
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    New Holmfirth Video on You Tube

    Brilliant long video on You Tube titled 'Holmfirt, West Yorkshire (4k) Town Centre Walk. You will see many familar places, and as it a continuous walk, you will be able to work exactly where everything is and get to know your way around. Not sure why the upstairs cafe windows are boarded up...
  14. W

    Using SW quotes in real life conversation

    Anyone ever use any lines from LOTSW in everyday real life conversation? If I ever see flowers on a dinner table, I always have to say 'Who ordered salad?' (Compo, Uncle of the Bride, and he says something similar in another episode) If I'm offered a drink, I have to say 'Yes, we've time for a...
  15. W

    The Waist Land - Only £5?

    In The Waist Land, there is a brilliant little scene with guest star Hugh Lloyd, where he craves a pork pie. After a magnificent speech about pork pies, he demands to be quoted a ridiculous, extortionate, inflationary price for a pork pie. Yet Compo only asks for £5. Still a very expensive...
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    BF - old fashioned comedy

    I don't know the meaning, so apologies if this causes offence. I don't think it will. What's a BF? It's used in old comedies. In Doctor at Sea (cert U), the sign says Dr Simon Sparrow MD, but MD has been crossed out, and BF scrawled instead. In Shelley (cert PG), the graduate tells his...
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    The Ladder in Mending Stuart's Leg

    Re Mending Stuart's Leg, something that's always fascinated me for years and years, but never asked. How LONG is that ladder?? If I ever feel like it, I should try to count how many rungs there are, and calculate it. I don't think some of the people on the street when the ladder is being taken...
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    Return to Uncle of the Bride (YouTube Locations Video)

    It's a couple of years old, but I've just stumbled on this excellent YouTube video titled 'Return to Uncle of the Bride'. A group of young men have lovingly created this tribute to Uncle of the Bride, which features the locations of Clegg , Wesley and Seymour's houses - tp name a few. There...
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    Voicewizard on YouTube

    Go on YouTube and type in 'Voice Wizard'. This man is a genius at impresssions, he has recreated lost Hancock radio episodes by imitating Tony Hancock and the rest of the gang. He can impersonate virtually anyone it seems, I wonder if he could Last of the Summer Wine.
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    George Chakiris in Extra Extra

    Probably one of the worst episodes, and worst guest stars. This man is now 85, 86 later this year. He doesn't seem to age at all, if the pictures on the internet are anything to go by.