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  1. M

    From me to all of you !!!!.....

    To my wonderful Summerwine family members......spread across the four corners of the globe !!!... I HOPE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL,HEALTHY,HAPPY,JOYOUS,LAUGHTER FILLED CHRISTMAS !!!. Thank you all for keeping me sane and keeping me laughing in 2024 !!!....and THANK YOU to the...
  2. M

    The Infamous Metal Detector Question.....

    Now I have been thinking [dangerous I know !!!]...... Was the aforementioned metal detector Cleggy bought from [he'll sell owt will Dougy"...quote from Sid] THE SAME metal detector that Foggy hired to dig for Captain Clutterbuck's treasure from Auntie's ??????.....if so this opens up a new can...
  3. M

    Moodyblue to HAPPY BLUE !!!!

    I am just popping the cork on my 3rd bottle of champers because Jurgen Klopp has just announced he will be leaving "THEM" at the end of the season !!!!. Being a Moody Blue and not even having Tomato Sause in my house because of the colour you can imagine my glee !!! my City...
  4. M

    A premature Christmas message from Scouseland...[not Lapland !!!!]

    Whilst I am feeling festive I want to be the first to wish each and every Summerwine family member from the 4 corners of the globe a wonderful,healthy,happy,joyous,laughter filled Christmas !!!!......and thank you all for making me laugh.....making me cry....keeping me sane.....and giving me a...
  5. M

    "Here he comes.......MAN WITH STEEL FINGERS"

    Know we all know that our resident "trained killer" was absolutely worshipped by the natives ["only little fellas they were"]. They would have followed him anywhere and he was even offered the Chief's daughter ["oh....beautiful she was...beautiful]. He was admired that much that his squadron of...
  6. M

    How did she "pop the question" ????????

    I have been thinking.......after telling our trio that "she's my pigeon !!!!.....I've raised her from an egg" everyone descends on Ivy's.... During the conversation Ivy exclaims...." I'm surprised at a married man !!!",to which Wally replies "I was surprised !!.....BUT HAVE YOU EVER...
  7. M

    The changing face of.........SOCIETY.

    I have been thinking.......what was the main thing that attracted us all to "our show" ? was the dialogue between 3 old friends....sometimes aimless dialogue....sometimes thought provoking dialogue.....but dialogue never the was about long lasting friendships...about...
  8. M

    "It's in me welly !!!!!!"......

    I have been thinking.....when funds are low.....and our favourite little scruffy person is required to cough up after the interrogation after being asked "where's your betting money" he always exclaims "IT'S IN ME WELLY".....Foggy and Cleggy tipped him upside down enabling them to give him a...
  9. M

    Beautiful and Unique....

    Firstly,I am genuinely moved by the amazing response to my post....your lovely comments mean so much to me,and I am truly blessed to have such caring Summerwine family members. I have started the wonderful process of reading all the posts since I last appeared..... OH WHAT A JOY !!!!. What makes...
  10. M

    It is SO GOOD to be back...I have missed SO MUCH......

    To all my "Summerwine Family Members"...both old and new..... I hope you are all healthy and happy !!!!!. When I logged back on and saw all the old familiar names it filled me with such joy !!!!...... I have missed you all so much........but don't worry !!!....I have been like a Scouse stalker...
  11. M

    Eli woods and James Casey........why ???????

    Now I have been thinking....... we have had so many "stars" on our beloved fact we have had many posts about our favourites......BUT.....can someone PLEASE explain what Eli and James brought to any of the 5 episodes they were in...we know that they will never eat another banana...and...
  12. M

    The most famous five notes in history ????

    Now...I have been thinking..... We all know those 5 notes that MOST PEOPLE would identify as the most famous EVER [please stay with me on this...'cos it may seem a trifle surreal !!!]..YES !!...those 5 notes when the scientists are trying to make contact with the aliens in " Close Encounters Of...
  13. M

    A joyous scene !!!!!

    I have just looked at our "Holmfirth live cam" .....and the scene has made me SO HAPPY !!!!. Outside the cafe there are throngs of people.....smiling...munching..and drinking in the beautiful sunshine whilst in the distance I can see groups of people [hopefully !!!] waiting for the amazing bus...
  14. M

    A chatty...happy Wally Batty ???????

    I was just thinking.......remember " A Merry Heatwave".......when Wally and the [very sad and morose] Nora burst into the cafe.......his whole demeanor seemed to have changed...he was so chatty,lively and gregarious !!!...his banter was delivered like a machine gun compared to his usual hangdog...
  15. M

    That Christmas Episode......"Extra Extra".......

    I was just thinking.......after my post regarding the most famous person to appear in our show I remember Terry and Ferret stating that the episode "didn't do much for them".......a point of view I entirely agree with !!!...... Then it got me really thinking.......Compo all dolled the...
  16. M

    Guest Stars on OUR SHOW......

    Now I have been thinking........whilst watching "Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure" [although as far as I am concerned,there is only 1 CAPTAIN CLUTTERBUCK....and he is a GEORDIE !!!!]....just how wonderful an actor Ron Moody is.......then it got me really thinking...we have had some stellar stars...
  17. M

    "Say when"......

    Iv'e been thinkin'....... In these days of healthy livin'...where moderation and exercise is king........has anyone noticed just how much our heroes and heroines LOVE SUGAR !!!!.... Remember Nora with Ivy...when she was shoveling the spoonfulls in...and asked "SAY WHEN"...after putting what...
  18. M

    The 30 seconds that many of us might miss ??????

    I have posted many times that Summerwine is my "visual prozac" after a stressful day on the docks I ALWAYS put a DVD on when I am in puts me in the the right state of mind and I restfully fall a kind of "West Yorkshire ZENLIKE STATE" [similar to Seymour...freezing on...
  19. M

    The mystery of the missing pets.......

    Now we all know that Britain is a nation of pet lovers....but a certain village in West Yorkshire seems to have bucked the trend..... Now we all know Wally was a real animal lover....a lifetime's love for his pigeons [which we cannot say applies to the limeftime's love of his wife!!].....and all...
  20. M

    What the blood and stomach pills !!!!!

    Whilst watching Nelly and Eli Pledge mismanaging their pickle empire in Colne,Lancashire [A GUILTY PLEASURE.....I LOVE NEAREST AND DEAREST !!!..Hilda Baker is an absolute comedy genius !!!!.. she and Jimmy Jewell worked so well together......"HAVE YER BEEN WALTER ?...YEH...I THINK HE'S BEEN"] I...