A Barnsley Accent ?

Douglas Enwright

Dedicated Member
I went for a short walk today,and would like to share it for those of you that are interested.
It was only a very short walk,unlike the Destiny and six bananas anniversary that I have planned that will take all day.
The walk started on Butterley Lane at New Mill near the White Horse pub at Jackson Bridge,it was a circular walk of only about three miles,it would start off at my favourite bench,go round in a circle,and end up back there,and along the way there would be memories and scenes around every corner,a couple of which I’d like to share with you.
So starting off at Butterley Lane,and before we get to my Summer Wine Bench we come to a stretch of wall that always reminds me of this scene.

Howard: We take the book with us everywhere,and a magnifying glass,and that’s it,completely covered,we’re just a couple of insect collectors
Marina: Insects are a girls best friend ? That’s a new one Howard
Howard: The really ingenious part is that insects are found everywhere,which means we’re free to wander wherever we please
Marina: I wouldn’t say absolutely anywhere,don’t tell me I’m under threat … at last
Howard: For instance,we can be seen together on this wall,there’ll be no further need to hide
Marina: Car coming
(Howard pushes Marina over wall,before jumping over himself)
Cooper: Did you see that ?
Walsh: What ?
Cooper: Somebody just went over the wall
Walsh: I never saw ..
Cooper: Exactly,we weren’t meant to see,he went over that wall like a pocket rocket,he’s up to something,we’re going to park here and walk back
Walsh: That’s tricky,it’s devious,but it means we get out of the car,that’s a bad move,I always feel safer in’t car
Cooper: Course you do,it’s our habitat,our little nest,our den
Walsh: It’s a back to the womb thing,what are we going to do ?
Cooper: we’ll split up and search
Walsh: You mean you going one way and me going the other ? don’t you think it’s unlucky,partners splitting up
Cooper: You’re right
Walking up Butterley Lane we come to my favourite Summer Wine bench,unlike many that were props,this is a real bench,it’s the same one,there is a little plaque no bigger than a stamp on the right of it,I always stop and sit here,so many scenes were filmed here,here’s one.
Cooper and Walsh are having a barbecue and discussing a parking ticket they’ve just got,only to be interrupted by a job and having to put the smoking barbecue in the boot of the police car

Walsh: What are we going to do about that parking ticket ?
Cooper: Why are you asking me,it was on your side
Walsh: I think it were for the whole car

Cooper: It was under your wiper !
Cooper: That’s it then,the old antenna’s bleeping,what were that lot up to ?
Walsh: What lot ?
Cooper: You’re supposed to be the observer on this team,you’re supposed to be our eyes and ears
Walsh: I was looking at you,you were talking,it seemed rude to be looking anywhere else
Cooper: Well I’m tickled you’ve got lovely manners,but it’s not a lot of comfort thinking my life could be in your hands,and you’re not even awake
Walsh: Well I shan’t look at you again,if you want to talk the most you’ll be talking to is this right ear
Cooper: Well I hope it’s more alert than the rest of you,didn’t you see those blokes acting suspicious ?
Walsh: Doing what ?
Cooper: Hiding behind that parked car
Walsh: How many ?
Cooper: Looks like three
Walsh: Three ? That’s one more than us !
Cooper: Now you’re waking up
Walsh: Acting really suspiciously?
Cooper: Very
Walsh: Suppose it in’t three,suppose when we get there there’s fifteen
Cooper: It’s not that big a car
Walsh: So twelve of them walked here,came from different directions,it would draw less attention that way
Cooper: Crafty,good point,actually they didn’t look all that suspicious
Walsh: My guess would be amateur football team,eleven players,a referee,two linesmen
Cooper: That’s fourteen
Walsh: Somebody’s uncle came to watch,there’s your fifteen
Cooper: Fair enough,bravery’s been discontinued anyway since health and safety
Continuing my walk turning right at the end of Butterley Lane along Scaley Gate,many scenes were filmed along this stretch of lane,I remember Compo in the Seymour era getting a lift along here on the back of a tractor and singing,when he was supposed to be running and getting fit,at the end of Scaley Gate we come to Scar Hole Lane,still at New Mill and you get a view looking down on Jackson Bridge where the White Horse and Howard and Cleggy‘s house is,this is from the hill you can see from their yard,if you look closely there’s a body of water and a bridge,this is the very pretty multi arched bridge that was seen in a lot of episodes for example Of Passion and Pizza,it’s the private property of a very expensive house and there is no access to it
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So we’re now walking up Scar Hole Lane at New Mill

Cleggy: There’s something familiar about him that looks ..
Billy: Familiar .. it’s Lenny from the pickle factory,Hey up Lennie
Lennie: How do lads,what brings you out here ?
Billy: We’re always out here,what brings thee ?
Lennie: I’m waiting for the voice
Truly: How is the little woman ?
Lennie: Not her,the other voice

Like in so many places,the dry stone wall that Lennie was sat on has all but gone,I’m seeing this in a lot of places,like the wall on the walking here without him scene further up New Mill,and the wall next to the tree where Howard and Marina were discussing wrestling or needlework at Hade Edge
Lennie: You know me,I’m a normal bloke,you’re going to ask why me
Billy: I wasn’t going to ask why thee,hands up everybody that was going to ask why thee
Truly: Let him get on with it,the man is clearly in some emotional torment
Lennie: I am
Cleggy: Which is not what you expect from a reader of gardeners monthly
Lennie: I didn’t expect it either
Alvin: Expect what ? Tell him to get on with it,we shall be here till the next bus comes
Lennie: The voice,I didn’t expect the voice
Lennie: Suddenly,this voice starts giving me instructions
Billy: I’v got one of them…two actually
Truly: Who’s voice ?
Lennie: That’s it in’t it,the big question,all I can tell you is,it’s not from round here
Billy: Foreign ?
Lennie: No it’s not foreign,how would I understand foreign
Truly: Did it have an accent ?
Lennie: To me,it sounded like a Barnsley accent
Cleggy: I thought you were talking about a supernatural voice ?
Lennie: I am
Alvin: With a Barnsley accent ?
Lennie: I know a Barnsley accent when I hear one
Truly: We thought you were speaking about a voice from erm …( points up at sky)
Lennie: I am,from up there,from him
Cleggy: He has a Barnsley accent ? Not many people know that
Lennie: I told you,mysterious
Truly: Did it have anything specific to pass on or was it a social call
Lennie: It was an instruction,a command
Cleggy: It’s not the world coming to an end is it,I did that once and wasted a whole tuesday
Lennie: No it’s not the world coming to an end,not so far anyway
Alvin: You’ll probably have to work your way up to that
Billy: Stands to reason,they’re not going to start with the end
Lennie: Two weeks ago I was laid in bed when I heard this voice
Cleggy: Barnsley accent ?
Lennie: Barnsley accent !


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So we’re walking up Scar Hole Lane at New Mill,and we come to the house at the top of the hill from which they always go down on roller skates or karts or whatever,and we turn left onto Intake Lane,follow this and again we are reminded of many scenes,and we come to the hill and path,the most famous in Summer Wine land
When we see this hill and path,recognisable to all of us,we only see it from this view,and never any further,I walked down it to get to my car so the next four photos are a brief look at walking down the path that our heroes walk down,that we never see


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Back at the bench,it’s the same bench and not a prop,I always sit here and have a cuppa and a sandwich,I always sit where Cleggy sits,the little brass plaque is still there,it’s just a council plaque but I think it’s ready for a repaint.
Next will be a Destiny and six bananas 25th anniversary walk but it will take all day so will wait till longer brighter days.
Love to everyone.
Chuffer x
Chuffer.....once again I am lost for words !!!!.....
On behalf of every single one of us in "Summerwineland" I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your selfless escapades bring the magic on screen to life !!!.....
We are all truly blessed to have you Chuffer !!!.
Thankyou so much Keith,I love to share my Summer Wine walks,and the dialogue really is what’s in my head when I’m walking along,it’s scene after scene that I remember,thankyou again it’s very kind of you to say x
Just brilliant Chuffer thank you so much for taking the photos and expending the effort to fit the dialogue from the shows to match the pictures. I know its a long term labour of love but you'll get your medal and silver heat blanket soon when the marathon ends. To the members on the site you have become Alan J W Bell 32 years on from when Auntie decided to stop making the show. Matching the shows to the scenes then and now very much brings the show alive for all on here because you are treading the very ground all our heroes and heroines of the show have weaved their way across or sat, like Cleggy, doing his crossword between takes .

If I was nearby I be tempted to go to the local Timpsons , buy a brass plaque , get it engraved " Property of Norman Clegg and the stars of LOTSW" and attach it to the bench in place of the council sign because its far more deserving and the council did little to promote the impact the show had on tourism and revenue for the area.

I can't wait for the Destiny tribute , if you are buying 6 bananas [don't eat them all at once or you'll need Nurse Batty and a bottle of Pepto Bismol] could buy them from the guy on the C5 documentary if his shop is still open .
Just brilliant Chuffer thank you so much for taking the photos and expending the effort to fit the dialogue from the shows to match the pictures. I know its a long term labour of love but you'll get your medal and silver heat blanket soon when the marathon ends. To the members on the site you have become Alan J W Bell 32 years on from when Auntie decided to stop making the show. Matching the shows to the scenes then and now very much brings the show alive for all on here because you are treading the very ground all our heroes and heroines of the show have weaved their way across or sat, like Cleggy, doing his crossword between takes .

If I was nearby I be tempted to go to the local Timpsons , buy a brass plaque , get it engraved " Property of Norman Clegg and the stars of LOTSW" and attach it to the bench in place of the council sign because its far more deserving and the council did little to promote the impact the show had on tourism and revenue for the area.

I can't wait for the Destiny tribute , if you are buying 6 bananas [don't eat them all at once or you'll need Nurse Batty and a bottle of Pepto Bismol] could buy them from the guy on the C5 documentary if his shop is still open .
Thank you so much captain that’s all very kind of you,I feel humbled,thankyou.
What a superb idea about the brass plaque,do you know,I am going to do that and screw it on,I will take a photo to show you all.
Funnily enough I had planned to actually take six bananas on my Destiny walk-seriously,if it’s good enough for Norman Clegg to walk around carrying six bananas then it’s good enough for me.
Thankyou again,and for the plaque idea,I’ll not move the council one,I’ll place it in the centre,and I’ll word it exactly as you have said.