
I wanted to join the army ( Lord knows why??)
I also wanted to be Marilyn Monroe, but alas I had to work with what nature gave me and it was kinder to poor Marilyn. ;D ;D
I wanted to be a Mosquito pilot like my hero Matt Braddock in the comics but by the time I was 7 I was already wearing glasses so pilot was a no go. ::) :( Still my life may not have been so good if I'd joined the Air Force (probably would not have married my wife therefore missing out on lots of happy years) :)
My father, who was a mail carrier, always wanted me to become a civil engineer. He was very mechanically inclined and apparently thought designing and building things was the way to go. But after watching a TV series called "Ben Casey" in the early 1960's, I was convinced that I wanted to be a neurosurgeon! After taking struggling with a few chemistry and physics courses needed for medical school, I realized being a doctor was not in my future!
I wanted to be a Mosquito pilot like my hero Matt Braddock in the comics but by the time I was 7 I was already wearing glasses so pilot was a no go. ::) :( Still my life may not have been so good if I'd joined the Air Force (probably would not have married my wife therefore missing out on lots of happy years) :)

Interesting - I always remember Braddock VC in his most prominent command with the Lancaster Bomber "F Fox". But he did fly other aircraft and I recall his being seconded to the USAF and piloting a Flying Fortress. Was he not at some point in Coastal Command and on Liberators? It was great how 'The Rover' gave full details of each aircraft and their manning.
Most of my life I wanted to be a stock car driver, Nascar as it is called now. My father drove back in the late 60's, even owned his own team and driver, and when I came along he got out of driving and simply worked on other racers cars. I can remember holding my ears as he revved up whatever car he was working on, and smelling of gas after being in his shop.
At one point I wanted to join the USAF however a leg injury as a teen kept me from getting into the military, they didn't want damaged goods :D.
Now that I'm older, I would enjoy some acreage and possible a small farm, goats, cattle, chickens. I grew up on a farm and now that my kids are 10 and 13 I realize how farm life shaped who I am now as a person. It was hard work but looking back I wouldn't trade the experience.
I wanted to be a Mosquito pilot like my hero Matt Braddock in the comics but by the time I was 7 I was already wearing glasses so pilot was a no go. ::) :( Still my life may not have been so good if I'd joined the Air Force (probably would not have married my wife therefore missing out on lots of happy years) :)

Interesting - I always remember Braddock VC in his most prominent command with the Lancaster Bomber "F Fox". But he did fly other aircraft and I recall his being seconded to the USAF and piloting a Flying Fortress. Was he not at some point in Coastal Command and on Liberators? It was great how 'The Rover' gave full details of each aircraft and their manning.
I remember Braddock most from the "I flew with Braddock "stories written from the point of view of George Bourne who was his navigator in the Mosquito. I remember him in the other aircraft you mentioned but it was the Mosquito that "fired " my imagination. :D
I wanted to be a Mosquito pilot like my hero Matt Braddock in the comics but by the time I was 7 I was already wearing glasses so pilot was a no go. ::) :( Still my life may not have been so good if I'd joined the Air Force (probably would not have married my wife therefore missing out on lots of happy years) :)
Ahh Dick, that is so sweet.
I wanted to be a train driver which would of been towards the end of steam, I did go to Swindon for a interview,wearing a new suit and white shirt, to gain access to the offices meant a walk through the yards and by the time I arrived at the correct office for the interview my white shirt was covered in coal dust.

The chap explained the process of becoming a driver,with time spent cleaning loco's, then move onto lubricating all the moving parts,after a while if there was a vacancy be promoted to fireman,first working in the depot,then on goods trains and after a while onto the main line,after further training get promoted to driver, again starting in the depot shunting works loco's, then goods traffic and in time a main line driver,at the end of the interview I was so excited as in my mind I was already at the controls of the Flying Scotsman steaming north, I asked the question how long would all the training etc take before I would be a main line driver, I was looking at 2-3 years maybe, when the chap said it will be 12-15 years, I decided I could not wait that long to earn a decent salary and took a job offer the following week as a trainee electrician
I wanted to be a Mosquito pilot like my hero Matt Braddock in the comics but by the time I was 7 I was already wearing glasses so pilot was a no go. ::) :( Still my life may not have been so good if I'd joined the Air Force (probably would not have married my wife therefore missing out on lots of happy years) :)
Ahh Dick, that is so sweet.
:) Thanks Beth :D
I wanted to be called Sally, it was my favorite name at the time, and I wanted to be an air hostess.
Which is odd as I hate flying now!!
I wanted to work in Fashion Design and live in London. Hopefully finally getting to travel there next for fashion design I did some with a wedding gown company I worked for, but I work in store management now. Certainly not a glamorous life, oh well. Not done yet!
I wanted to be fit and healthy as for a occupation I thought about being a racing driver as James Hunt was a hero growing up.
Train driver was still seen as an option when i was young. However being pushed into the academic side meant I was not really taught anything that would have been useful for this. I think as I specialised in science in the sixth form I had some idea of being an important scientist, preferably a chemist (the experiments were always much more interesting) and possibly thought I could discover something really useful!

However I just drifted into teaching, as my first career in menswear was not going to get me too far unless i had the capital to set up my own shop, which I did not.
I wanted to live in a cottage with roses round the door and marry John Gregson. As for work, the only thing I knew was that I didn't want to work with sick people, people with learning disabilities or old people. And what do I do? Yep, you've guessed it. As a youngster I never thought I'd have the patience.