Another Summer Wine comic...

Here's another Summer Wine fanart comic. #38 and I thought I was running out of steam since I only had 4 written planned after this, but before I started I thought up an idea to still keep a couple comics ahead of drawing them. Enjoy!


I'm starting to see the dynamic with Howard and Marina. They're so darn easy to put into situations.. Maybe too easy when it's hard to think up something. lol
Here's #39 of my Summer Wine comics and it's also the 3 Year Anniversary of me doing these. Thanks for all the enjoyment of them! Had no idea they would last this long!!!

fantastic claye, thats brilliant,what a great idea, keep them coming.
The tie, being that both of them were in the RASC.... buuuuuuuuuut not exactly Foggy being a sniper and deadly killer *hand chops* and Peacock not being on the front lines. Foggy being a signwriter and Peacock in one of the AYBS episodes revealing that he was a mess hall cook or something.

Thanks again for the comments everyone!
Sorry, I don´t get it :-[, what is the Grace Brothers shop? I can follow in so far that I think Peacock is Frank Thornton in Are You Being Served, is that right? I´m not at all firm in British programs.
Not firm in British programmes, eh? Well I reckon you're a sight better at ours than I'd be at yours. If you ever see it, 'Are you Being Served?' was a master class in double meanings. All saucy!
Great comic, it really keeps everyone alive and well in the LOSW world. For that alone I would thank you. While I was not a fan of Are...Served? I have seen the show and am familar somewhat with it. My Dad used to like that show and I recorded it for him. I am a big fan of One Foot In The Grave & Keeping Up Appearances though. Would be neat to see Victor Meldrew meet Foggy and the lads.
Not firm in British programmes, eh? Well I reckon you're a sight better at ours than I'd be at yours. If you ever see it, 'Are you Being Served?' was a master class in double meanings. All saucy!

Ah, thank you, so this is the name of a shop in that show, I mean "Are you being served?"?
It is. It was a show about the staff in a department store. Mostly Captain Peacock, Mr Humphreys, Mrs Slocombe, Miss Brahms and Mr Lucas. Cptn Peacock was Truly and Mr Lucas was the Captain at Barry's golf club. They were in the great tradition of saucy postcards beloved of British seaside towns.
My apologies if this post seems egotistical in some way.. Don't worry, a new Summer Wine comic will be coming in a week or so..

I just wanted to use this moment to say that I noticed today that this Summer Wine comic thread has reached 6010 views. I am a bit humbled and overwhelmed at this. It shows that people are enjoying the comic, or possibly that google has a lot of dozy bots that are misguided to this thread.. lol

Either way, thank you for all the comments, compliments, advice and of course enjoyment of this comic. I even appreciate the comments every once in a while that say it is keeping the show alive, and the comments that one can actually hear the characters say the lines I've thought up.

Thanks again, everyone!