Aunties Prices


Staff member
After being woken at 5am with a nose bleed I put on Series 23 and in one of the episodes Auntie tries to sell a set of steps for £20, now I don't recall many episodes where you get to know the price of what she is selling,can you think of any
I can remember an episode where she asked Foggy for a £20.00 deposit on the bicycles, or doesn't that count?
Watched Stoneworm last night and she sold milking machine for 10 pound and for another 10 for the wheel barrow. Sorry no pound sign.
Didn't she try charging the trio to blow up the inflatable castle in Stop that castle. I think it was 30 pounds a day.
How many businesses did Auntie have? Just watched Who's got Rhythm and the trio come across Smiler in a stock in the window of a loan business owned by Uncle Henry, who just happens to be Auntie Wainwright. She also owned the car scrapyard and according to Compo in this episode she owned half of one street to which she replies "threequarters".

I'd forgotten about Uncle Henry. Hate to imagine what Auntie's interest rate would be for a loan, she probably makes Wonga look cheap.