Best one liners

GLENDA.................But what about speed Barry?? :39:

BARRY.............We'll do it indoors. I'll buy a train-set!!:13:
Compo talking to Clegg. What's good for straghtening your leg's. Clegg replie's extra marital relation's
Wally..............."A fleeting vision of freedom!"

Norah ...........".What are you doing talking to yourself?? That's no place to go for sensible answers! ">:(
Cleggy...........I hope Pearl never finds out about page 340 (to Howard):39:

Truly...........He'll swear blind he was never any where near page 340! :me:
Wesley is cooking hot dog's, Tom ask's Weslsy. What's that your cooking in Wesley BP or Castrol.
Had this huge boil on the back of his neck....................Traffic backed up for miles, they thought it was a red light! :me: :42:
Clegg talking about Walter "chuffin" Ridley. He's so full of natural goodness you'd think he was a brown loaf.
Cleggy to Howard (in CHAISE LONGUE TOO FAR)

Its a good job you don't live in a block of high rise flats! ........Oh I don't know though!!:me:
A classic from Edie and Wesley in Merry Christmas Father Christmas Edie ask's Wesley to write his Christmas cards. Wesley say's I'm in the middle of giving me engine a tune. Edie replies. You can play to it later. I think that a real classic one liner!
Compo say's to Seymour why can't you buy a conifer tree in town like anyone else. Seymour replie's have you seen the paltry thing's they look like the frames for small umbrella's
At the start of the episode The Empire That Foggy Nearly Built Clegg come 's out with this great line. Foggy say's Clegg's quiet what are you thinking about Clegg. Clegg say's I was wondering why oranges are round and banana's are cucumber shaped.
[After Howard was arrested for allegedly Flashing at Marina ] Howard whilst running away from the Police Car " It's all a big mistake Cleggy I'm innocent" . Cooper to Clegg " If you can vouch for him we'll not press charges" . Cleggy responds " Vouch for him ? " Cooper " That's good enough for us sir"