Clegg the Driver

While on the way to the hospital, Eric tells Malcolm to turn down Denby Street.
And Foggy says "They are fighting over the wheel." He wouldn't have said they if Clegg was driving since he was talking to Clegg.

I remember them arguing. Thanks for the clarification. Pearl and Me2
Just watched "Here We Go Again Into the Wild Blue Yonder" and Clegg drives Sid's blue van to send Compo flying over the wall for hang gliding.
Just watched one this afternoon,in Who's looking after the café then he reluctantly has to drive Wesleys land rover forward so Foggy Compo and Crusher can paint above the café window,he only drives it a couple of yards but nearly crashes it into the building and just misses two pedestrians,does this count ?
I also love the episode with Ludovic, when he gets chucked out of the van and ends up sitting on the seat in the middle of the road is hysterical.
Just watched one this afternoon,in Who's looking after the café then he reluctantly has to drive Wesleys land rover forward so Foggy Compo and Crusher can paint above the café window,he only drives it a couple of yards but nearly crashes it into the building and just misses two pedestrians,does this count ?
Yes that counts. I had actually forgotten that one.
Do's it count when Cleggy was ordered to drive them home when they had gone with Edie. (Seymour was supposed to be teaching her to drive?? ::) ) He was all set to do it when Edie decided to walk , so Cleggy said "me too!" and set off walking. :me:
Another drive was when Cleggy had to drive Eli's van after Eli had crashed into the haystack in " OH HOWARD WE SHOULD GET ONE OF THOSE!! " :30:
Do's it count when Cleggy was ordered to drive them home when they had gone with Edie. (Seymour was supposed to be teaching her to drive?? ::) ) He was all set to do it when Edie decided to walk , so Cleggy said "me too!" and set off walking. :me:
Yeah that counts Dick.